Cutting fabric for a mini quilt with SINGER MOMENTO 24 & mySewnet Software by Margaret Sweete February 25, 2025 written by Margaret Sweete February 25, 2025 95 Yesterday, I created my mini quilt in the mySewnet Quilting Software, I can now get out my SINGER MOMENTO 24. I have the yardage charts printed out and bought the fabric. I like to coordinate with my backing flannel fabric. I don’t usually start with the backing fabric, but in this case, it was the theme I wanted and using pastels. Mini quilt fabric palette of fabrics – adorable I now need to go back to the mySewnet App and choose the Crafting Software link. Taking the yardage/cutting diagrams to create cutting files for the SINGER MOMENTO 24. I’ll walk you through how to create a cutting mat of triangle shapes for the green fabric first based on the green cutting instructions. mySewnet Quilting Software mini quilt green fabric cutting instructions When opening the mySewnet Crafting software, I’ll choose the 24” x 24” mat to create my cutting file. On the left-hand side toolbar, scroll down to the ADD icon and then choose shapes and letters; select triangle shape # 9 (Right angle triangle). With the chosen triangle move it to the top left-hand corner of the mat. Keep it selected, choose the edit tab on the right and go to the transform icon. Type in 6.86 in the top-to-bottom size, and since proportion is selected by default, the left-to-right size will change with it. You now have 1 Right triangle with a width and length of 6.86”. But we want 8. Keeping the triangle selected choose to duplicate on the left-hand side toolbar. Then go back to the right-hand side toolbar, scroll down, and touch rotate 90° twice. Move the second triangle so it is close to the first without overlapping (zooming in if need be). Choose Select All. On the left-hand side toolbar then choose Group on the right-hand side. You now have 1 set of 6.86” right-hand triangles. Next, I’ll go to path-cut on the right-hand side and select a material color and change it to mint green; this is mostly for me to easily see which cutting file is for color fabric. I now have 2, but we want 8, so we can copy-paste this one (or use multiple) until we have 8 on the mat. mySewnet Crafting Software 24” x 24” mat I continued to create 8 copies of the 6.86” x 6.86” green triangles and then repeated the process to create (8) 3.86” x 3.86” right-hand triangles. they will all fit on the 24” x 24” cutting mat, and I arrange them neatly to save on fabric. For more mySewnet Crafting software information, I refer you to my Tummy Time Tumbler Quilt project I wrote for the latest issue of A Needle Pulling Thread Magazine, where I talk about creating a quilt in the mySewnet Crafting Software and cutting it out on the SINGER MOMENTO 24. Final green fabric right-hand triangle cutting file I would continue and finish the green fabric 3½” square cutting file and then repeat the process, creating the cutting file for the large blue right-hand triangle, the small right-hand triangles and the blue squares. The white squares I’ll cut out by hand (rotary cut) tomorrow as I need larger pieces to fit in the embroidery hoop and after I embroider, I’ll trim them down to size. The grey borders, or in my case they are blue, I will also cut out by hand (rotary cut) Note: I cannot YET change the border color or size (or add sashing), but I hear a rumor that it’s coming…. Now, off to the SINGER MOMENTO 24 to cut my fabric pieces! I’m setting up the SINGER MOMENTO 24 with the fabric rotary blade and red 24” x 24” fabric mat, and I’ll cut the blue fabric first and then the green. I love how the SINGER MOMENTO 24 is so quick and accurate! And I even forgot to take a picture of the biggest fabric piece cut into all the 6.86” triangles; sorry. SINGER MOMENTO 24 blue fabric cut into squares All the fabric pieces for my mini quilt are cut, or are they?? Wait and see… Yesterday, I planned my mini-quilt in the mySewnet Quilting Software. Today I cut all the fabric pieces on the SINGER MOMENTO 24 digital cutter. Tomorrow I’ll embroider on the white pieces and then trim them down to size. Gee, I wish the quilting and crafting software would “talk” to each other so I could just send the quilt file to the crafting software and not manually plan each fabric’s cut files. Mmm, maybe the software gurus are listening. See you tomorrow! This is part 2 of 5 in this series Go to part 2: Creating a mini quilt in mySewnet Quilting Software – A Beginner’s Guide Go to part 3: Embroidering + appliqué for a mini quilt using mySewnet & SINGER MOMENTO 24 Print this page or save as a PDF 0qs561beginner quiltingdigital quiltingfabric cuttingmySewnet Crafting Softwareprecision cuttingquilt designquilt planningquiltingquilting tutorialSINGER MOMENTO 24 FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail Margaret Sweete Margaret Sweete has been working as a SVP Canada Freelance Educator representing SINGER®, HUSQVARNA® VIKING® & PFAFF® since 2007. Her creative passion started at the age of 10 utilizing her mom’s SINGER® sewing machine creating garments and quilting. Over the years, her interests expanded to include garment sewing, quilting and embroidery for personal use. This passion subsequently led her to learning more about the expanding sewing industry including new software and hardware technologies. Whenever Margaret travels, she seeks out classes, stores, textile museums and other inspirations to enrich her knowledge of fabric and sewing techniques for hand and machine use. This solid sewing comprehension was a natural fit for Margaret to become an Educator to share her extensive knowledge with others who have similar creative desires. She is passionate about sitting down with new hardware and software technologies and learning about their capabilities. Margaret is known for sharing her knowledge of this expanding sewing industry through exquisite and inspirational samples that show various techniques, sewing products and machines. Her classes will excite novice and veteran sewers and give them a solid basis to produce their own unique designs. She is able to take difficult concepts and help individuals be better able to utilize their own machines to their fullest potential. Some of Margaret’s original projects have been featured in “A Needle Pulling Thread” magazine. previous post Creating a mini quilt in mySewnet Quilting Software – A Beginner’s Guide next post FREE! QUILTsocial Magazine Issue 32 Now Available! YOU MAY ALSO LIKE... Quilting and binding a mini quilt with PFAFF... Mini quilt making with mySewnet + PFAFF creative... Embroidering + appliqué for a mini quilt using... Creating a mini quilt in mySewnet Quilting Software... Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.