Let’s take a tour of the Husqvarna Viking Brilliance 75Q! by Elaine Theriault March 29, 2021 written by Elaine Theriault March 29, 2021 723 It’s exciting to be back, and I’ve got a new sewing machine to explore with you this week. This time, we’ll have a look at the Husqvarna Viking Brilliance 75Q sewing machine. It’s a sewing-only machine, and look at it – it’s gorgeous. I love the color. But I know there’s a whole lot more to this fantastic machine than just the color, so let’s dive in! Husqvarna Viking Brilliance 75Q Today, I’ll cover what comes in the box of the Brilliance 75Q, and then I’ll spend the rest of the week playing around with the stitches and the functions – I can’t wait to use some of the great decorative stitches and the Exclusive Stitch Techniques. To round out the week, I’ll look at an optional accessory or two. It’s going to be an exciting week! Let’s start with the User’s Guide. I know – how boring! But, there’s so much helpful information in the User’s Guide. The other day, I was chatting with someone about taking owner’s classes from your local dealer. When is the ideal time to take an owner’s class? How much can you retain from an owner’s class? Do you need to read the User’s Guide? Here’s the issue – you buy a new sewing machine. You’re super excited. The dealer showed you many of the features and benefits of your new machine. You get it home and take it out of the box. Then you sit and stare at the sewing machine because you’re too intimidated and have no idea how to do anything! My recommendation is to crack open that User’s Guide. User’s Guide for the Husqvarna Viking Brilliance 75Q Don’t get me wrong. I think taking owner’s classes at your local dealer are a must! However, if you take the classes before you know anything, you’ll be overwhelmed, and it’s hard to retain all the information. If you bring the sewing machine home and play with it, using the User’s Guide as a reference, you’ll learn the names of the accessories and functions on your own time and in the comfort of your own home. When you go to the owner’s classes later, you can ask better questions about areas that aren’t clear to you. You’ll learn loads, and the dealer can help you explore areas beyond the basics of operating your sewing machine. I know we all learn differently; however, I’ve found User’s Guides easy to read with loads of pictures, and they don’t take long to go through. It’s best to sit in front of the sewing machine and play while you go through the User’s Guide. You can also download the User’s Guide to your tablet as a PDF, where you can expand the pictures or text if necessary. I love it! I have multiple machines, and all my User’s Guides are handy as soon as I open my tablet. Another helpful piece of information is the Features and Benefits list for the Brilliance 75Q, found on the webpage for the sewing machine. Want to know how many decorative stitches you have? Easy – it’s on the Features and Benefits list. (By the way, the answer is 460, in 19 different menus!) Want to know what functions and techniques you have built into your sewing machine? It’s all listed in the Features and Benefits. This User’s Guide is not a large document, which is a bonus. There are seven short, well-organized chapters in the book. Each one plays an essential role in learning how to get the maximum use from your new Brilliance 75Q. My recommendation is to start at the beginning – the first chapter. This section identifies the machine parts, and while you may know what a spool pin is, do you know where to find the Function Panel buttons? The Function Panel on the Brilliance 75Q The first chapter provides a listing, along with a description, of the presser feet included with the Brilliance 75Q. You’ll also find diagrams and the names of all the other accessories included in the accessory pack. It amazes me when I talk to people and they confess that they have at least one piece in their accessory kit they have no idea what it is, or how or when to use it. When I started reviewing sewing machines, I decided the first task was to read the User’s Guide and review the parts after unboxing the sewing machine. I had been sewing for many years and considered myself somewhat of an expert! Oh my, I learned a lot! The package of accessories for the Brilliance 75Q Here’s the best part of the User’s Guide – there’s a complete list of all the A Menu stitches and where you would use them. These are the meat and potatoes stitches of your Brilliance 75Q, and you should become very familiar with them. I learned a few things the first time I went through this list. Did you know you have built-in stitches designed to work with knits? If you don’t have a serger, this is very important! Nine different styles of buttonholes are available. Wow! The Application column in the list of A Menu stitches provides the recommended purpose for each type – now that’s a must-read section. While you may not need all those stitches immediately, knowing that your Brilliance 75Q can readily work with knits, or that it has nine different buttonholes means there will be very little you can’t sew with this sewing machine. Sometimes, even knowing the proper name of the sewing machine parts or the stitches available will have you chatting with your dealer or your instructor with ease. A detailed list of all the A Menu stitches and their application Something else you’ll find in the first chapter of the User’s Guide is the complete listing of all the stitches in the Brilliance 75Q. There are 460 of them. While it’s easy to navigate the Interactive Color Touch Screen to see what’s in each stitch menu, it’s great to be able to look at them in the User’s Guide. Some of the stitch menus appear in the User’s Guide There are 19 menus on this sewing machine and each one contains a different stitch category. So, what’s an 8-way stitch? Or a Pictogram stitch? Not so fast – we’ll look at some of those stitches this week. I can’t wait to see what we can do with them! Stitch menus in the User’s Guide The last page in the first chapter is about the built-in alphabets. There are four of them, and you’ll see all the letters and special characters on this page: A printout of the four built-in fonts Wow – can you believe all that information is in the first chapter? It doesn’t take long to go through it, and there’s no need to retain all of it right now. What’s important to know is this information is readily available when you need it. Other chapters provide instructions for unboxing and setting up the Brilliance 75Q, explaining the settings and functions on the Interactive Color Touch Screen, tips on different sewing techniques, and programming and managing files. It’s time to put the User’s Guide away and get that Brilliance 75Q unboxed. Look at that gorgeous screen when you turn on the Brilliance 75Q. The Interactive Color Touch Screen Once we get past the start-up screen, here’s the screen where we get to play – I mean work. The stitch settings on the Interactive Color Touch Screen There are some exciting buttons on this screen and the section surrounding the touch screen. What do all those functions mean? We’ll take a look at that tomorrow. There’s one other thing I want to mention. The Brilliance 75Q comes with an accessory tray for storing all your feet and other accessories that came in that little zippered pouch. The accessory tray I prefer to take the tray off, as I have too many accessories to fit in the tray. More importantly, I like to spread out when I sew. Room to work, but not enough for me Removing that tray gives me an excuse to use my favorite extension table. I love this extension table! Don’t you love the front curve on it? Imagine sewing something long and knowing that it’ll flow over that edge with no drag. And I’ve loads of space for work on both sides of the needle – I’m such a space hog! The optional extension table for the Brilliance 75Q What’s even better is that the body of the Brilliance 75Q is a standard size to Husqvarna Viking, so if you happen to have other machines in this same size category – that extension table works on multiple sewing machines. You have to love that! Doesn’t it make the Brilliance 75Q look even more amazing? The Brilliance 75Q with the optional extension table Now we have the sewing machine unboxed and the optional extension table installed. We’ve reviewed the first chapter in the User’s Guide, and we know what all the bits and pieces are. We know a wide variety of utility and decorative stitches are built into the Husqvarna Viking Brilliance 75Q. I would say we’re ready to start playing! I’ll take a deep breath, and I’ll be back tomorrow to provide a tour of the Interactive Color Touch Screen and the Function Panel. Then join me as I dive into making a project. I want – no, I need – to make something with this gorgeous sewing machine. Have a super day! Ciao!!! This is part 1 of 5 in this series Go to part 2: The bells and whistles of the Husqvarna Viking Brilliance 75Q Print this page or save as a PDF 0qs357Brilliance 75Qhusqvarna vikingsewing machine reviewstutorials FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail Elaine Theriault Elaine Theriault is a teacher, writer and pattern designer who is completely obsessed with quilting. Elaine’s Tech Tips column (originally published in A Needle Pulling Thread magazine) is now available online in e-book format at QUILTsocial.com. When not quilting, she enjoys spending time with her two dogs, Lexi and Murphy, or can be found cycling across the country. Her blog is crazyquilteronabike.blogspot.com. previous post Spectrum QAL 2020 Block 12: The Little Girl in the Blue Armchair collection by Anthology Fabrics next post The bells and whistles of the Husqvarna Viking Brilliance 75Q YOU MAY ALSO LIKE... 3 quilting styles with the Husqvarna Viking Brilliance... 2 ways to achieve a perfect ¼” seam... Easily get the look of handwork stitches by... 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