Making sew easy, summer fresh felt strawberry pin cushions by Robin Bogaert June 19, 2020 written by Robin Bogaert June 19, 2020 981 Happy Friday! Yesterday I made a travel needle kit and now it’s the end of the week. In light of the fact that it’s Friday, today’s project with Kunin Rainbow Classic Felt is super easy and super fast to complete. Immediate gratification is what Friday is all about after a long week. Today, I’m making a super cute strawberry pincushion that you’ll find not only summer fresh but also adorable for your sewing room. Embellish it with DMC Embroidery Floss, French knots, beads, buttons, or whatever your heart desires. This project is also a great gift option for a friend or relative who sews. Multiples of these can be made in no time! Strawberry pincushions made with Kunin Rainbow ClassicFelt and DMC Embroidery Floss materials Kunin Rainbow ClassicFelt in shades of reds, pinks, greens & white DMC Embroidery Floss for seeds and embellishments Fairfield Poly-fil Premium Polyester Fiber Fill Fairfield Poly-fil Poly-Pellets Hi-Tak No-Sew Fabric Glue Klassé Quilting Flat Head Pins UNIQUE Sewing Crewel Embroidery Needles KAI Embroidery Scissors Klassé Stork Embroidery Scissors UNIQUE Sewing Permanent Marking Pen – black template plastic or card stock for circle templates machine sewing thread to match. sewing Machine (optional as this can be done by hand) strawberry basket (optional) beads (optional) decorative buttons (optional) Materials needed to make a strawberry pincushion How to make the strawberry pincushion 1. Make circle templates with card stock and a UNIQUE Sewing Black Permanent Marker in any size you like, mine were 4″, 5″, 7½” and 8½”, based on the plates and bowls in my kitchen. Note: Every circle will make 2 pincushions. Making circle templates with found objects (bowls, plates), card stock and the UNIQUE Sewing Permanent Marking Pen 2. Cut out each template with paper scissors and trace onto a red, pink, or burgundy shade of Kunin Rainbow ClassicFelt with the UNIQUE Sewing Black Permanent Marker. Tracing circles onto Kunin Rainbow ClassicFelt with a UNIQUE Sewing Black Permanent Marker. 3. Draw a line down the center of each of the felt circles with the UNIQUE Sewing Black Permanent Marker and cut the circles out with KAI Embroidery Scissors. These scissors are fantastic with felt because the blade is made of high-carbon stainless steel that ensures a sharp cut, all-the-way to the tip, and they cut through felt like butter with a clean cut. Drawing a line down the center of each of the felt circles KAI 7100 Embroidery Scissors are great for cutting felt with precise cutting Felt cut out with KAI Embroidery Scissors 4. Fold each half circle of Kunin Rainbow ClassicFelt in half along the straight edge, pin with Klassé Quilting Flat Head Pins and sew the straight edge with a ⅛” seam allowance. TIP This could be done by hand as well but a double thread is required to make a strong seam. Pinning each felt piece along the straight edge with Klassé Quilting Flat Head Pins Half circles cut on the straight edge to make strawberries 5. Turn the felt strawberries to the right side. Using 2 strands of thread, a large knot, and a basic sewing needle, add a line of large gathering stitches around the circumference of the top of the strawberry. Keep the thread, needle, and basting stitches in place, for now, a gathering will take place after stuffing. Embellish the outside of the strawberry with DMC Embroidery Floss in gold and French knots to act as seeds or you can also use beads for this purpose as well. Strawberry turned to the right side with gathering stitches at the top and french knots added with DMC Embroidery Floss “seeds” 6. Add Poly-fil Poly-Pellets to fill the strawberry ⅓ full. The poly-pellets add weight and stability to the strawberry pincushion so it does not topple over with pins in it. Fairfield Poly-fil Poly-Pellets is a great product to add weight and stability to many projects 7. Add Poly-fil Premium Polyester Fiber Fill to top up the Poly-Pellets until the strawberry looks slightly overstuffed. Start to pull the gathering stitches as it’s stuffed and use small bits of fiberfill at a time so there’s even stuffing and no lumps. Poly-fil Polyester Fiber Fill is smooth textured and effective stuffing to help avoid the lumpy look. Fairfield Poly-fil Premium Polyester Fiber Fill is used to stuff the strawberry pincushion 8. Stuff the strawberry until it’s stuffed firm but not distorted and then pull on both strands of thread to gather tight. Tie the strands together at the top and knot several times to ensure the thread is secure and cut with Klassé Stork Embroidery Scissors. These scissors are great snips for both machine sewing threads, close appliqué, and embroidery floss as they have very sharp points and a gorgeous gold vintage finish. The gathering thread tied and cut off with Klassé Stork Embroidery Scissors to finish the strawberry 9. Cut out some pieces of green felt (x 2) to simulate leaves at the top of the strawberry and glue them on top of each other with Hi-Tak No-Sew Fabric Glue to cover the gathering threads. 2 shades of leaves made from Kunin Rainbow ClassicFelt. Felt glued to the top of the pincushion with Hi-Tak No-Sew Fabric Glue 10. Braid 8″ each of 3 strands each of yellow and green DMC Embroidery floss together, tie a knot at each end and fold in half, baste this with sewing thread to the top of the leaves as shown. This will act as a grabbing loop (you can also attach this to a key chain or ring to attach to a sewing bag for traveling). Sew a button to the top of this through the loop and the leaves to secure. Braided loop and button attached to the strawberry pincushion 11. With a UNIQUE Sewing Permanent Marker, draw a strawberry blossom and cut out of white Kunin Rainbow ClassicFelt as shown. Secure the white blossom with sewing thread and a bead. TIP If you don’t have beads you can secure your blossoms with French knots and DMC Embroidery Floss. You can change up the colors of the hanging loop for the strawberry and use all kinds of DMC Embroidery Floss Colors. You can also use beads instead of French knots to simulate seeds. Variety is the spice of life and creativity is never boring. Drawing a strawberry blossom to embellish the strawberry pincushion with a UNIQUE Sewing Permanent Marker 12. Admire your efforts, many of these can be made at once and why not try making a berry basket full of them! So cute. Also, they make a great traveling pin cushion with the addition of a hanging loop. Summer fresh strawberry pincushions made with Kunin Rainbow ClassicFelt A basket full of bounty. strawberry pincushions made from Kunin Rainbow ClassicFelt I sincerely hope you enjoyed this week’s projects as we immersed ourselves in the world of Kunin Rainbow ClassicFelt and simple embroidery with DMC Embroidery Floss. Look for them both at your local arts, craft and sewing stores. Hopefully, these projects are an inspiration for you to make and take them on your journeys this summer and/or simply beautify a sewing room or two. Don’t forget to share your photos of your projects. Enjoy a lovely weekend! This is part 5 of 5 in this series Go back to part 4: Making an adorable Travel Needle Kit with felt Print this page or save as a PDF 0qs316DMC Embroidery FlossFabric Hi-takGütermann Hand Quilting ThreadGÜTERMANN threadsKunin Rainbow ClassicFeltneedlesnotionsPoly-filthreadsUNIQUE Crewel/Embroidery Needles FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail Robin Bogaert Robin Bogaert is a long arm quilter, creator and blogger at and has many years of quilting experience. Robin was the past owner of a quilt shop in Windsor, Ontario and now resides in Waterloo. Robin's roots in quilting are traditional, however she appreciates modern quilt design as well and considers the focus of work to be designing, teaching, trunk shows, free motion quilting, ruler work and thread painting. In addition to her passion for sharing all things quilting, Robin is busy with pattern design and sells her patterns on her website and with Robin was featured in the Summer 2016 and 2017 (Canada 150th) edition of Quilters’ Connection Magazine and is a new guest contributor at previous post Making an adorable Travel Needle Kit with felt next post Getting ready to free-motion quilt with the PFAFF performance icon YOU MAY ALSO LIKE... Gütermann Thread completes your quilt, like – wow! Odif 606, fusible interfacing in a can |... Odif 808 converts paper into freezer paper for... Create a Four-Leaf Clover Quilt for St. Patrick’s... HeatnBond Fusible Webs: results and insights from a... Mastering fusible web: HeatnBond TIPS for woven fabrics... Master Fusible Web: HeatnBond SOFTSTRETCH Tips for Stretchy... Mastering Fusible Web: types, uses, and essential TIPS What’s the difference between batting, stabilizers, interfacing, and... 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