Husqvarna Viking DESIGNER SAPPHIRE 85 Decorative stitches in Embroidery Mode by Elaine Theriault January 29, 2021 by Elaine Theriault January 29, 2021 See how it’s done! Embroidery stitch-outs combining Omnimotion and Dimensional Applique stitches using the Husqvarna Viking Designer Sapphire™ 85 – easy and gorgeous! FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail
Husqvarna Viking DESIGNER SAPPHIRE 85 Beautiful decorative stitches in sewing mode by Elaine Theriault January 28, 2021 by Elaine Theriault January 28, 2021 Taking a close look at the Omnimotion stitches in action! These are wider than the presser foot and known as sideways stitches; on the Husqvarna Viking Designer Sapphire 85. These make sewing so much easier! FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail
Husqvarna Viking DESIGNER SAPPHIRE 85 4 features on the Designer Sapphire 85 make your sewing experience easy! by Elaine Theriault January 27, 2021 by Elaine Theriault January 27, 2021 Taking a close look at the Quilt Binder attachment(!!!), deluxe Stitch System, Exlcusive Sensor System and the Multi-Function Foot Control on the new Designer Sapphire 85. These make sewing so much easier! FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail
QAL Spectrum QAL 2020 Block 8: The Little Girl in the Blue Armchair collection by Anthology Fabrics by Claire Haillot January 26, 2021 by Claire Haillot January 26, 2021 Instructions to make Block 8 of our Spectrum QAL 2020 featuring the instructions based on Claire’s choice of fabrics from Anthology: Little Girl in the Blue Armchair. FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail
Husqvarna Viking DESIGNER SAPPHIRE 85 15 features + 7 accessories that make the Designer Sapphire 85 super! by Elaine Theriault January 26, 2021 by Elaine Theriault January 26, 2021 Taking a close look at the new Designer Sapphire 85 and its many features, functions and included accessories that make this a super sewing, embroidery and quilting machine! FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail