H.A. Kidd sewing notions How Fray Stop helps your quilting projects by Jennifer Houlden June 15, 2016 by Jennifer Houlden June 15, 2016 The panels are quilted and the tote bag looks nothing like a bag yet but never fear by the end of the week it will. It’s much easier to do everything while the bag is in pieces because once it becomes a whole unit getting it maneuvered under the machine… FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail
H.A. Kidd sewing notions 2 more tips you should know for perfect couching by Jennifer Houlden September 15, 2015 by Jennifer Houlden September 15, 2015 Yesterday I looked at 3 east steps to perfect couching and today I’m going to add onto those with 2 more tips you should know for perfect couching. Bonus Tip #1 Sewing machines have become very streamlined and sleek in their looks with no extra pieces sticking up on top… FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail