H.A. Kidd sewing notions Stained glass quilt made easy with HeatnBond by Paul Leger February 13, 2017 by Paul Leger February 13, 2017 Today, with the help of HEATNBOND® Lite Iron-On Adhesive Sheets we’re going to make this quick and festive little project and there’ll be very little sewing to do! With St. Patrick’s Day just around the corner, I’ve decided to show you how to make a festive stained glass quilted wall… FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail
H.A. Kidd sewing notions Spiders Hanging by a Thread quilted wall hanging by Jackie White September 15, 2016 by Jackie White September 15, 2016 It really doesn’t get much better than this when it comes to taking a quilted wall hanging right outside the box, or in this case off the web! This sweet spider quilt will mesmerize anyone when you see that last spider hanging on by a thread! Let’s get started. This… FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail