H.A. Kidd sewing notions Sew Easy Templates make perfect circles and hexies by Nancy Devine February 11, 2016 by Nancy Devine February 11, 2016 The outside of our pret-a-porter portfolio is looking gorgeous! Let’s get the inside scoop and use Sew Easy Templates to make perfect circles and hexies for sewing case. I found a zippered pouch made from vinyl mesh at my local dollar store. The vinyl is tough and perfect to keep… FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail
H.A. Kidd sewing notions Stitching a portfolio with circle and hexagon templates by Nancy Devine February 8, 2016 by Nancy Devine February 8, 2016 When I was a kid, the women of my family would show up with for a visit with their creative works in progress. As they chatted about the latest news, family gossip, or the plot lines to favorite soap operas, our visitors worked on their knitting — a mitten or… FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail
H.A. Kidd sewing notions Free Motion Quilting aka Free Mo is Preemo! by Nancy Devine July 16, 2014 by Nancy Devine July 16, 2014 Free motion quilting is indeed preemo, let’s discover why. When we last left our too-small T-shirt, it was on its way to a new life as a piece of quilted wall art. Today, let’s make a quilt sandwich of well-pressed foundation fabric, batting and the quilt top. The foundation fabric… FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail