Northcott How to sew rickrack to your quilt like an expert by Jean Boyd August 10, 2016 by Jean Boyd August 10, 2016 Here are my units on the design wall, all ready to sew. The colors in this Northcott Cosmic Fusion collection blend together so well and the strip design looks very modern. You can go ahead and sew the units together just like this, or you might like to try my… FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail
Northcott Lining up strips of fabric easily for a modern baby quilt by Jean Boyd August 9, 2016 by Jean Boyd August 9, 2016 Yesterday we started the Cosmic Fusion baby quilt. Now that you have your Cosmic Fusion strip sets made, it’s time to cut them into the lengths required for your modern baby quilt. Begin by straightening one edge of the strip set. I like to use one or more of the… FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail