PFAFF quilt expression 4.2 Improv quilting – what’s it all about? by Jean Boyd April 18, 2017 by Jean Boyd April 18, 2017 Yesterday I gave you a brief introduction to the PFAFF Quilt Expression™ 4.2 sewing machine. I hope you had time to watch some of the videos and previous QUILTsocial blog posts on this great machine. Although improv quilting is being talked about a lot in Modern Quilting groups today, it’s really… FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail
PFAFF quilt expression 4.2 Binding a Place-mat is like Binding a Quilt by Jennifer Houlden July 25, 2014 by Jennifer Houlden July 25, 2014 Yesterday we secured the three layers together by quilting them and today is the day to finish the project. Binding a place-mat is like binding a quilt just on a smaller scale unless of course, you’re into mini quilts. I personally have never made a mini quilt but could be… FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail
PFAFF quilt expression 4.2 Quilting the On-The-Go Place-mat by Jennifer Houlden July 24, 2014 by Jennifer Houlden July 24, 2014 Now that the placemat is all sewn together it’s time to do some quilting. Some people love the piecing process of a quilt while others prefer the quilting stage. I enjoy the whole process and love to see how the piece changes as each step is completed. I thought about… FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail
PFAFF quilt expression 4.2 Sewing the Fabric Pieces into a Place-mat, Part 2 by Jennifer Houlden July 23, 2014 by Jennifer Houlden July 23, 2014 Yesterday we spent the day sewing the pieces together to create the utensil holder side of the place-mat. Today we’ll be sewing the rest of the pieces together to create the side of the place-mat which holds the napkin. Once this step is complete and added to the piece made… FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail
PFAFF quilt expression 4.2 Sewing Fabric Pieces into a Place-mat by Jennifer Houlden July 22, 2014 by Jennifer Houlden July 22, 2014 Yesterday, I ended the day with some decisions that needed to be made before I could start sewing fabric pieces into a placemat today. The decisions have been made and I can now proceed, I can’t wait to see how these fabrics come together in this little project. Have you… FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail