THE easy way to trim Half Rectangle Triangles perfectly every time by Robin Bogaert April 14, 2021 written by Robin Bogaert April 14, 2021 844 Yesterday, I demonstrated a super-easy way to mark, layout, and sew Half Rectangle Triangle units for a Modern Half Rectangle Triangle Table Runner. Half Rectangle Triangles (HRTs) look a little wonky and not comparable to Half Square Triangles, but nevertheless it’s a super easy sewing method using SCHMETZ Quilting Needles, UNIQUE Sewing Fast Fade Fabric Markers, Omnigrid rulers, my OLFA Rotary Cutter, a Komfort Kut Rotating Cutting Mat and Fabric Creations Cotton Fabric. Today is trimming and layout day. It’s a fun day because we’ll get to see the visual idea of how it’ll all come together. Step 1 Some trimming of each HRT is needed before the layout starts. To do this, cut out 3-4 pieces of freezer paper or copy paper, 2½” x 4½” each, and mark an arrow in each corner of the papers with a water-soluble or fast fade marker. Freezer paper cut and corners marked with a fast fade fabric marker Step 2 Press each freezer paper piece with wax side down onto the right side of the HRTs until they stick temporarily. Match the corner of the freezer paper to the diagonal lines as shown. The arrows are drawn to help with positioning. Note: If using paper, you may need to pin them to the center so they hold in place. Freezer paper ironed to the right side of a light-colored HRT, to use as a trimming guide Freezer paper ironed to the right side of a medium-colored HRT, to use as a trimming guide Step 3 Trim each HRT carefully with a rotary cutter and rotate your Komfort Kut cutting mat, this makes it easier to get around all sides! Use a ruler as a guide to cut carefully along the paper. The freezer paper can be used numerous times before it loses its stickiness. Trim the HRTs to 2½” x 4½” using freezer paper, a rotary cutter, ruler, and rotating cutting mat. The HRTs are all trimmed and measure 2½” x 4½”. Step 4 It’s layout time, and time to get the visual idea as to how this table runner goes together! As a reference, I’m including a layout guide with letters L, M and D to show where the Light, Medium, and Dark fabrics are placed. I also recommend the table runner be sewn row by row so there’s no confusion. The first two rows are simply repeated over and over until there are eight rows. Layout guide showing placement of Light, Medium, and Dark fabrics Rows 1 and 2 are repeated until there are 8 diamond shapes. Half the table runner is laid out. We are almost there! Tomorrow I’ll explain the ironing method needed to get a lovely flat table runner, and final construction of the quilt top using Gütermann Thread, SCHMETZ Quilting Needles, UNIQUE Sewing Fast Fade Fabric Markers, Omnigrid rulers, OLFA Rotary Cutter, Komfort Kut Rotating Cutting Mat and Fabric Creations Cotton Fabric. This is part 3 of 5 in this series Go back to part 2: 6 easy steps for making perfect Half Rectangle Triangles Go to part 4: 1 pressing technique for flat seams every time! Print this page or save as a PDF 0qs359battingfabricsFairfieldfree patternsneedlesnotionsOdif 505OLFAOmnigridquilt blocksschmetzscissorstable runnersthreadstutorialsunique FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail Robin Bogaert Robin Bogaert is a long arm quilter, creator and blogger at and has many years of quilting experience. Robin was the past owner of a quilt shop in Windsor, Ontario and now resides in Waterloo. Robin's roots in quilting are traditional, however she appreciates modern quilt design as well and considers the focus of work to be designing, teaching, trunk shows, free motion quilting, ruler work and thread painting. In addition to her passion for sharing all things quilting, Robin is busy with pattern design and sells her patterns on her website and with Robin was featured in the Summer 2016 and 2017 (Canada 150th) edition of Quilters’ Connection Magazine and is a new guest contributor at previous post 6 easy steps for making perfect Half Rectangle Triangles next post Piecing the Spectrum QAL 2020 Quilt: Little Girl in the Blue Armchair collection YOU MAY ALSO LIKE... Gütermann Thread completes your quilt, like – wow! Odif 606, fusible interfacing in a can |... Odif 808 converts paper into freezer paper for... Create a Four-Leaf Clover Quilt for St. Patrick’s... HeatnBond Fusible Webs: results and insights from a... Mastering fusible web: HeatnBond TIPS for woven fabrics... Master Fusible Web: HeatnBond SOFTSTRETCH Tips for Stretchy... Mastering Fusible Web: types, uses, and essential TIPS What’s the difference between batting, stabilizers, interfacing, and... Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.