TrueCut 360 the Perfect Tool to Cut Perfect Circles on Fabric by Jennifer Houlden July 15, 2015 written by Jennifer Houlden July 15, 2015 1.3K With the checkerboard completed yesterday, I’m now thinking about what kind of design I want to add to the quilt top. I’m pretty sure it will be applique of some sort along with some other embellishing. I’m thinking…circles! How many of you can draw and cut a perfect circle? I know I certainly cannot draw a perfect circle without the aid of a template. Today, I’m going to introduce you to the perfect tool to cut perfect circles. Yep, that’s right, perfect circles. The Perfect Tool What is this perfect tool? Well, it’s another tool from the TrueCut System. I was impressed with My Perfect Rotary Cutter at the beginning of the week and I’m pretty sure the TrueCut 360° circle cutter will not disappoint me. The TrueCut Circle Cutter 360 Getting ready to cut First, remove the blade cover to expose the blade and put it in a safe place, the cover protects the blade and your fingers when not in use. The blade cover is found on the bottom of the tool and just pulls off. Remove blade cover Second, release the safety lock. It’s the mechanism to the right hand side of the blade knob with red markings. The mechanism slides in towards the blade knob to lock, and away from the blade knob to unlock. The tool will not cut if the safety lock has not been released. Safety lock release mechanism Third, set the size of circle you want to cut. The TrueCut 360° cuts circles from 2″ to 12″ in diameter safely, easily and accurately. To set the size, unlock the sizing knob which is located along the clear plastic section of the tool by turning counter-clockwise. Move the knob along the ruler until the red line is lined up with the correct number and lock back in place. To lock, rotate the base of the sizing knob clockwise. Sizing knob set to 5 inches Cutting circles Place the TrueCut 360° on the fabric. Place one hand on the sizing knob. I used my left hand on this knob. Left hand on sizing knob Place the other hand on the blade knob. This hand will be crossing over the other hand. Right hand on blade knob Apply pressure to both knobs and in one smooth motion make a full circle with the tool. Rotation in progress Lift out the cut piece for a perfect circle. A perfect 3″ circle I found that if I stopped in mid rotation then the circle did not come out perfectly. As well if I over shot my starting point to stop at then I had a bit of a blip as well. The key is one smooth rotation starting and stopping in the same spot. I also found it easier to do the full rotation with larger circles rather than smaller circles as the blade wasn’t cutting such a tight diameter and my arms were further apart making it easier to do the rotation of the tool. Here’s a little video to see how easy the TrueCut 360° Circle Cutter is to use. TrueCut 360 Degree Circle Cutter – YouTube See how fast and easy it is to cut perfect circles with the TrueCut 360° Circle Cutter. The 360° Circle Cutter lets you easily cut any sized circle from 2 – … The TrueCut 360° is a very cool tool making perfect circles attainable for all of us. I ended up cutting several circles 2″ and 3″ in diameter to create flowers for the table runner. I used a long piece of fabric with fusible web on the back of it. The TrueCut 360° tool smooths the fabric as you go except when there are many tendrils hanging out behind it from other circles being cut. In hindsight I would cut the fabric into pieces for the desired size of circle being cut. This would prevent any hang ups on excess fabric tendrils. Preparing the quilt top for applique I’ve got my pieces cut for the applique but first I need to make the backing, then sandwich the three layers so I can quilt my runner. Note: I find it easier to apply and stitch the applique after the quilting has been done. With two of the remaining fat quarters cut 3 – 6″ x WOF strips. Sew them together by alternating the fabrics to create the backing of the table runner. Make sure to put into practice some of those pressing tips from yesterday to create perfect seams. Cut a piece of low loft batting and sandwich the layers and baste with your preferred method of basting. I like curved safety pins the best. Since I knew that I would be stitching the applique through the three layers I only did minimal straight stitching on either side of the vertical seam lines using my walking foot. I used a variegated grey cotton thread from Sulky called Blendables. I also switched to a Schmetz 90 topstitch needle as that is the needle Sulky recommends for use with this thread. Sulky thread and Schmetz topstitch needles Here’s a close up of the quilting. Sullky thread is a 30 weight thread which means it’s a thicker thread and stands out more on the fabric. Quilting lines What’s on the plate for tomorrow? Well, a little chat about fusible web as well as creating some flowers made with the circles cut today. The perfect tool to cut perfect circles is going to result in some perfect flowers. See you tomorrow. Happy Quilting! Print this page or save as a PDF cutting circles on fabricprecision circle cutterrotary cuttertruecut 360 FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail Jennifer Houlden Jennifer runs Quilts by Jen, a fantastic educational resource for quilters with many great free tutorials ranging from how to choose fabrics, understanding the value of fabrics, pressing, building Bargello runs, pinning, binding, sandwiching, couching, quilting, and much more. Check them out! previous post 50 ways to keep a quilter happy while on vacation 44, 43, 42 next post What you should know about fusible web YOU MAY ALSO LIKE... 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So taking these factors into consideration should help you to determine if the TrueCut 360 can cut through Wrap and Zap – which I have no experience with. I hope this helps. Thank you for asking. Reply Lisa Hawthorne July 18, 2015 - 12:47 pm Is there anyone out there that might cut 100 6″ circles for me out of my brown muslin cloth? What might be the charge? Reply Allison CB July 15, 2015 - 1:59 pm Have you tried it on fabric with misty fuse on the back? Reply Jennifer Houlden July 15, 2015 - 2:14 pm Hi Allison No I have only used it with Lite Heat N Bond fusible on the back of the fabric. I suspect it would be just fine with the misty fuse since it is even lighter than the Heat N Bond. Happy Quilting Reply Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.