Yesterday, I talk to you about sewing the pieces to make the rows, using the Heirloom thread cutter and a GO Iron mini travel iron to make the job easier.
Today I’ll finish assembling the Valentine quilt, square it off and prepare it for quilting. Here’s how it looks now:
Now that the rows are done they need to be sewn to one another with seams matching using a straight seam. When you’re trying to match the seams, I have a little trick for you. Due to the angle of the diamond shape, if you offset the top dog ear by ⅛” to the left, your points will be beautiful!
Once all rows are sewn together and all seams are pressed it’s time to trim the outer edge of the quilt. Ensure that you cut ¼” above the point as shown below:
Once the edge has been trimmed, it’s time to baste and quilt. I believe that not all quilts need to be densely quilted, so I decided to keep the quilting on this piece very simple as you’ll see below on the back of the quilt.
Almost there! The last thing to be done is to attach the binding. As I don’t like a lot of binding showing on the back of the quilt I cut 2″ strips for my binding. I sew my bindings ¼” from the edge.
Tomorrow we’ll sew the binding to the back of the quilt. I’ll also show you more quilting tools including a little hidden secret within the Heirloom thread cutter.