50 ways to keep a quilter happy while on vacation 18, 17, 16, 15

Welcome back to another edition of 50 ways to keep a quilter happy while on vacation. Who knew there were so many quilt related things to do?  Not only can they be done while you’re on vacation, but many can be done in your own area and some can be done without leaving home! Make sure you bookmark these posts for future reference.

Number 18 – get a personal tour of a quilt show

I had the pleasure of meeting Heather Hochbaum when I was in North Battleford, Saskatchewan a couple of weeks ago. I’d seen a notice for a quilt show on Facebook. The cover quilt attracted me since it was blue and orange. A closer look at the location and dates and I realized that the show dates coordinated with my schedule. I contacted Heather to say I was going to be in the area at the time and she invited me on a personal tour.

Never say no to a personal tour. It was fabulous. She explained the show, how it came about and then we looked at each and every quilt. Once we finished the tour, I went back to have a better look by myself. What a great experience. I learned a lot, made a new friend and picked up some great ideas and inspirations.

Thanks Heather!

By the way, The Chapel Gallery is an awesome space. It makes for a very impressive quilt show.

Lady Sings the Blues Quilt Exhibition

Heather Hochbaum and two of her spectacular quilts

Lady Sings the Blues quilt show

Lady Sings the Blues quilt show

Number 17 – visit a book store

For those that know me, one can never have enough books. While I like to browse through used book stores, I also like to look at new books. As easy as it is to browse online, nothing beats a touchy-feely session with the real thing.

One of my favorite book stores is McNally Robinson which is located in several locations in Western Canada. If you ever get a chance, this is an awesome book store.

Not only do they have a great and varied selection of books, but the Saskatoon location always has a display of quilts from the local quilt guild. That alone is worth the visit to the book store.

A great variety of quilt related books

Quilts hang from the balcony at McNally Robinson

Quilts hang from the balcony at McNally Robinson

Stunning quilt hanging at McNally Robinson and yes that is a lot of pieces

Number 16 – attend a quilt themed play or musical

Who knew there were quilt themed plays and musicals? Thanks to Susan who attended this musical and provided me with her tickets and playbill.

This looked like a very fun evening and I sure wish my schedule would have allowed me to attend.

If you can’t find a play or musical, why not organize one! That sounds like a lot of fun.

Playbill and tickets from Quilters The Musical

Number 15 – visit a quilt store

Today’s quilt shop is Stitcharie in Wyoming, Ontario. This is a beautiful quilt shop in a brand new space. Lots of neat things to check out and a classroom to die for.

Feature products in a beautiful display

FQ display on an old wooden ironing board

That wraps up this edition of 50 ways to keep a quilter happy while on vacation. Remember – I would love to hear what quilt related activities you discovered. Send me a note, send me a picture. Have a great day! Ciao!

See all the articles in our “50 ways to keep a quilter happy while on vacation…” series!

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