A favorite quilt binding technique for a clean finish by Tania Denyer December 13, 2019 written by Tania Denyer December 13, 2019 1.2K Yesterday I went over how to approach quilting a bias binding applique project, with bias tape made using the UNIQUE Bias Maker. Today I’m giving instructions on how to complete your piece of art to hang on the wall. The following is my preferred technique for binding. To make the binding, cut strips at 2½” wide x the width of the chosen binding fabric (approximately 42″ on average). Sew strips together at a 45° angle. Press seams and trim. Press length of binding in half and make a 45° cut and fold at the start of the binding, as shown below. Step 1: open your binding strips and press your binding strip end at a 45° angle Step 2: fold the binding back up and press again Step 3: trim away the excess leaving about ¼” seam Now for the hanging sleeve, cut a length of background fabric 3″ x the width of your quilt. Press sides in and bottom-up. Pin to the top edge of your quilt before adding the binding and pin in place. I was able to create my hanging sleeve from the finished edge of the fabric so I didn’t need to fold the bottom edge under! Make sure the hanging sleeve is flat against the back of the quilt as you sew on the binding. Remember to consider the binding and background colors when threading your machine to bind. I had a black thread in the top and a red thread in the bobbin, because my binding is black and my background fabric (on the quilt front) is red. Begin the binding at a few inches away from a lower corner and a few inches past where the binding begins. Stitch all the way around making miters in the corners and when you come to the end/beginning of the binding strip, tuck them together. Stitch machine binding on the back of quilted project, following the binding edge as closely as possible. Take the quilt to the ironing board and from the front, press the binding to help it flip over to the back. Fold the binding to the back and pin in a few spots. Machine stitch from the back. If you keep just to the edge of the binding, the seam will nestle just beside the binding on the front. With practice, the stitch line of machine binding will nestle beside the binding on the front. A close up showing the front and the back of machine-finished binding… it’s possible! Press your project and hang it on the wall. Art can be made of fabric too. Now that you have the skills to create bias binding with the Unique Bias Maker, look for images and ways to draw with it again. It’s been fun sharing my process with you. Please connect on Instagram @iamgingerq so I can see what you create. Until next time… Noodle Bowl Art! With UNIQUE Bias Makers, anything is possible. This is part 5 of 5 in this series. Go back to part 4: Indispensable tips for bias tape applique quilting Print this page or save as a PDF 0qs289Bias Tape Makersfree patternsheatnbondnotionsuniquewallhangings FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail Tania Denyer Tania has been a quilty creator for over 20 years. She loves to make quirky quilts ranging from a bowl of ramen to a Christmas turkey or a fruitcake. She has not yet found a subject that she wouldn't like to see rendered as a quilt. Her current focus is on food quilts and her work has been featured in magazines such as Cottage Life, Make Modern, Gastro Obscura and SBS (a food network in Australia). Her creative interests also include illustration, painting, and crocheting. There is nothing she likes better than to try something new. Tania believes curiosity in all things is key to a creative life. previous post Indispensable tips for bias tape applique quilting next post FUN with disappearing quilt blocks! YOU MAY ALSO LIKE... HeatnBond Fusible Webs: results and insights from a... Mastering fusible web: HeatnBond TIPS for woven fabrics... Master Fusible Web: HeatnBond SOFTSTRETCH Tips for Stretchy... Mastering Fusible Web: types, uses, and essential TIPS What’s the difference between batting, stabilizers, interfacing, and... 7 easy steps to make a scrappy border... The fool-proof way to add borders to your... The easiest way to do fusible applique |... 5 easy steps to make paper pieced heart... Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.