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Fabric Fun markers improve your 5 quilt label essentials

by Jennifer Houlden

Your quilt has been pieced, quilted and bound and now it’s time to add the finishing touch – a label. Some labels are hand written, some are embroidered, some are computer generated but they all have something in common and that’s the 5 essential details to include on every label.

It’s important for all quilts to be labeled so that future generations can see where these pieces of art came from, who they were made by and when. As well as what they were made for.

I’ve decided to use one of my left over circle blocks for my label for the quilt I’ve been working on earlier this week. Although there might be specifics about the size of a quilt label when a quilt is entered in a juried show, there’s no rule as to what size the label has to be or should be for personal quilts.

Leftover circle block

Leftover circle block

My label is going to be 12″ x 12″ and I’m going to hand write the details pertaining to this quilt in marker. I have a whole array of Fabric Fun fabric markers that I picked up at my LQS and have just been itching to use them. I suspect they’ll be perfect for writing my 5 essential details.

Fabric markers

Fabric markers

First I had best read the instructions on what I need to do to use the markers – if there’s any special prep for the fabric or not. These markers are non-toxic, odorless and permanent.

There’s no special prep for the fabric but I ironed a piece of freezer paper to the back of my block just to add some stability to the fabric for writing on it.

Freezer paper on back of block for stability

Freezer paper on back of block for stability

The markers have 2 tips – a thick tip and a fine tip. I’m using the fine tip for this project.

Double tipped marker

Double tipped marker

Everything is ready and I’ve picked the ink color to use on the label. I tested each color on a piece of scrap before making my choice.

Test piece - blue marker wins

Test piece – blue marker wins

Every label should include the following 5 essential details.

1 – the title of the work or name of the quilt – mine is Wagon Wheel

2 – pieced, designed and quilted by – my piece is quilted and pieced by me as well as an original design

3 – date made – I put the date finished as sometimes the piece can take several months to make

4 – where was the quilt made – name of studio, town and province or state – can even put in country if you wish

5 – who was the quilt made for or what was the quilt made for – mine was made for QUILTsocial

Completed label

Completed label

If the quilt is going to be in a show then I strongly suggest putting your address, telephone number and e-mail on the label as well. There are many quilts that go missing every year and if these details are on the label then just maybe it will find it’s way home.

So the ink has dried on my label and now it’s time to set it. To set the ink turn the piece over and iron on the wrong side of the fabric at the hottest temperature that the fabric will tolerate.

Once the ink has been set it’s washable at temperatures up to 60 degrees Celsius.

Label ready for hand sewing onto back of quilt

Label ready for hand sewing onto back of quilt

After pressing edges of a label to the back hand sew it to the back of the quilt – do not fuse it with a fusible web as it will eventually come off especially if washed. Hand sewing is the best way to affix the label to ensure it stays on for years and years and years.

Your quilt is now complete and ready to be loved as all quilts should be. The lucky owner and their family will always know the story of their quilt thanks to the 5 essential details to be included on every label.

Happy Quilting

This is part 4 of 5 in this series.
Go back to part 3:  How to face a quilt in 12 easy steps
Go to part 5:  Foundation piecing equals perfect points every time

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Kathy E. October 6, 2016 - 9:20 am

These pens look perfect for me, especially since they come in an array of colors! I’d enjoy adding flowers or squiggles to decorate quilt labels. Thanks for the tips and I will certainly be looking for these!

Debbie Crouse April 20, 2016 - 7:02 pm

Thanks for the info on labels. I admit this is not something I do very often. I gues I need to be more attentive to this . Thanks again

Sheila Jerik April 20, 2016 - 1:43 am

this is terrific knowledge and I learned how to do some very important things to make my projects more organized. thank you.

Laura April 16, 2016 - 10:51 pm

What a great idea for labelling. Thanks for the tutorial.

Glenna Reynolds April 16, 2016 - 8:16 am

Great reminders!

Nancy Giese April 15, 2016 - 3:43 pm

Thank you very much for the excellent advice! I almost never label my quilts. This is a bad habit and I MUST start labelling. Thanks for the reminder

Carla A. Canonico April 17, 2016 - 11:31 am

Better late than never!


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