Yesterday we discovered how the Character Decorative Stitch feature on THE Dream Machine 2 let’s you quite simply add embellishments to your quilting blocks, borders and overall project. Today I want to look at one of the most important features of any machine when it comes to your quilting: the ¼” quilting foot.
¼” quilting foot
One of the first things I do after I purchase a new machine is to test the ¼” quilting foot. Let me take a moment to review this important tool, and test the ¼” quilting foot on THE Dream Machine 2 to see if it gives me a true ¼” seam.
I’ve had the experience with some sewing machines where the ¼” foot provided didn’t give me the ¼” seam allowance. Therefore, no matter what machine I purchase, this is an important test for me.
A true ¼” stitch in quilting is important so that the piecing is accurate. This will make your stitching more precise with the pattern your following. Furthermore, if you enjoy working on block exchanges, it’s important that the seam allowance be accurate, quilt blocks are received from all over town, state, or at times, the world, and the ¼” seams need to be accurate as the pieces will be sewn together.
The first step in testing the ¼” stitch is to draw a straight line in the center of a regular piece of printer paper as shown in the photo below.
Draw a straight line in the center of a regular piece of printer paper
I’ll then place the paper sheet under my needle with the guide on the ¼” quilting foot aligned with the line on the paper. I lower my foot on the paper in this position.
The guide on the ¼” quilting foot is aligned with the line on the paper
With a regular straight stitch I sew along the line, keeping the guide of the ¼” quilting foot aligned with the line on the paper. I’ll stitch a few inches and then remove the paper from my machine.
Stitch a few inches aligning the guide on the ¼” quilting foot to the drawn line on the paper.
Measure the distance between the stitched line and the drawn line. If the ¼” quilting foot has a true ¼” seam allowance, the distance between these two lines will be a perfect ¼”.
As you can see in the photo below, THE Dream Machine 2 foot has passed this text in flying colors.
THE Dream Machine 2
Join me tomorrow as I continue to play with THE Dream Machine 2 from Brother. I’ll go over one of my favorite topics, machine applique.
Happy Stitching!
This is part 4 of 5 in this series.
Go back to part 3: Character Decorative Stitch, 3 words that mean creative adventures for YOU
Go to part 5: 4 tips for machine applique success every time!
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