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Say it with free motion quilting, a designer cushion

by Julie Plotniko

Free motion quilting is one of my favorite things to do and I’m always exploring new and exciting variations.

I had fun using applique words in my QUILTsocial blog post 5 easy steps to make a quilted spring banner and wondered could I also create words with quilting?

With my beautiful Gütermann Dekor rayon thread the answer, of course, is a resounding yes!

Join me for a week of fun as we create a lovely designer cushion.

Say it with free motion quilting - designer cushion

Say it with free motion quilting – designer cushion


Gütermann thread – a quilters palette

My thread of choice for quilting this project is the beautiful Gütermann Dekor Rayon.

This lovely rayon thread comes in a wide variety of colors, is easy to work with and gives a soft sheen to the stitching.

 A small selection of Gütermann Dekor rayon thread

A small selection of Gütermann Dekor rayon thread

I like quite dense quilting so I needed 2 of the 220-yard spools.

Though the wrong side of the stitching will not show I like to use the same thread in the bobbin.

This way I will not have to worry about the back thread showing on the top and my machine tension will be easy to set.

Gütermann Dekor rayon thread color 7337 Bright Aqua

Gütermann Dekor rayon thread color 7337 Bright Aqua

fabric – a quilter’s canvas

My fabric for this project is Canvas from Northcott. I love the way the subtle color changes add extra detail to my quilting.

  • ⅝ yd for pillow front and back, color 9030-11 was used for the sample
  • ½ yd of a contrasting color for a ruffle to match the thread, color 9030-63 was used for the sample
  • 20″ square of plain fabric for the back of your quilted piece, this will be on the inside of the pillow and will not show
  • 2 – 20″ squares Fairfield Soft & Toasty natural cotton batting
Canvas by Northcott

Canvas by Northcott





sewing machine with

  • darning foot
  • ¼ foot
  • standard sewing foot
  • walking foot
Some additional supplies

Some additional supplies

Prepare your fabric

From your main pillow fabric cut:

  • 1 square 20″ for pillow front
  • 2 pieces 18½” x 11″ for the pillow back

From your contrasting fabric cut:

  • 3 strips 5½ x width of fabric
Fabric and batting ready to go

Fabric and batting ready to go

We’ve gathered our materials, cut our fabric to size and are off to a great start.

Join me tomorrow as we prepare our pieces for successful machine quilting with Gütermann Dekor rayon thread.

This is part 1 of 5 in this series.

Go to part 2: Mark, layer, baste, easy preparation for machine quilting

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Delaine September 29, 2018 - 6:14 am

I absolutely love this pillow! Thank you for all of the tutorials to make it.

Julie Plotniko October 2, 2018 - 2:32 am

Hi Delaine
I’m glad you like the project and hope you have fun making your very own 🙂


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