Yesterday, I introduced you to the Brother NQ700 machine and gave you the supply list for this little Halloween wall quilt. Now let’s get ready to make the house!
Finished Halloween quilt
Making the window units
- Cut one of the 2″ x 12″ black strips in half.
- Sew a 2″ x 3″ window piece to one end of the black strip.
Sew a window strip to a black house strip.
- I added shutters to my windows for a fun effect, but this is optional. To make the shutter, cut a piece 2″ x 5″. Fold in half, right sides together, to make a rectangle 2″ x 2½”.
- Sew a ¼” seam on the 2 long open edges. Turn right side out and press.
Sew a ¼” seam on the 2 long open edges.
- Sew the remaining piece of the black strip to the window, catching the raw edges of the shutter in the seam. I’m using the ¼” foot on my Brother Innov-is BQ3050 machine to make sure all seams are accurate.
- Make another window strip in the same way.
The window unit sewn to 2 black house strips
- Sew a 3½” x 12″ strip to the outside of each window strip. Sew a 2″ x 12″ strip to the opposite side of each window strip.
Sew house strips on each side of the window unit.
Making the door unit
- Cut the remaining black 2” x 12″ strip into 2 pieces (I cut mine to 4½” for above the door and 3½” for above the window, but they can be any size).
- Sew a 2″ x 4″ strip of door fabric and a 2″ x 3″ strip of window fabric to the black strips. The seams can be slightly angled or left straight.
Inner door and window strip are sewn to the black house strips
- You can also add a door that opens if you wish. To make this, cut 2 strips 2″ wide by whatever the height of the door.
- With right sides together, stitch on 3 sides as shown in the picture. Turn right side out and press.
Stitch on 3 sides, turn and press.
- Baste the outer door in place, making sure to leave the finished edge of the door about ½” above the bottom of the inner door.
Make sure the outer door is about ½” above the bottom of the inner door.
- Sew the window and door sections together. Using the ¼” foot on either the Brother NQ700 machine or the Brother BQ3050 machine guarantees a perfect ¼” seam every time!
All strips are sewn together to make the bottom of the house
Adding the sky and roof
- Trim the 3½” outside house strips on a slight angle.
- From the sky fabric, cut a 14″ square. Cut in half diagonally to make 2 triangles.
- From the remaining sky fabric, cut 2 strips for the sides of the house. My strips were about 6″ wide and the height of the house.
- Sew a sky strip to each side of the house. Trim off the extra fabric from the seam allowances.
Sew on the 6″ wide sky strips.
- Sew on the roof strip on an angle. Trim seam allowances. Press roof section up.
Sew the roof strip on an angle.
- Sew a sky triangle to each side of the roof. Trim seam allowances.
Sew the sky triangles to the roof.
- Sew on the grass strip on an angle, making sure you don’t catch the outer door in the seam.
Sew on the grass strip.
- Here’s a diagram to show the construction lines of the quilt.
Diagram of quilt showing seam lines
You can trim up the outside edges now if you wish or leave them until the quilting is finished.
Please join me again tomorrow as I show you how to quilt your Halloween house using the walking foot and guide bar on the Brother NQ700 machine. Even though it’s a small machine, you’ll see what a wonderful job of quilting the Brother NQ700 does!