Shibori tie-dyeing: What you need to get started by Jean Boyd September 12, 2022 written by Jean Boyd September 12, 2022 357 I’ve always been interested in creating my own designs on fabric, whether using markers, crayons, paints or dyes. Have a look at my previous QUILTsocial blog, Creating one-of-a-kind fabric with paint sticks and decorative stitches, where I explain how to use markers from the Mont Marte Signature Fabric Art Set to create special effects on fabric. Mont Marte Signature Fabric Art Set This week I’m using the Rit Indigo Shibori Tie Dye Kit to create some unique designs on fabric. Shibori is an ancient Japanese dyeing technique that involves folding or twisting cloth and then binding it to create various patterns. I recently took an indigo dyeing class from fiber artist Bethany Garner, in Kingston Ontario. Many of the same effects created with indigo dyeing can also be achieved using the Rit Indigo Shibori Tie Dye Kit, and that’s what we’re using this week. This kit is readily available at craft and fabric shops and it includes everything you need to get started. Here’s what comes in the kit: Rit Indigo All-purpose Dye Rit ColorStay Dye Fixative rubber bands twine small plastic squares plastic gloves instruction booklet Here’s what’s in the Rit Indigo Shibori Dye Kit You might also like to gather up some other supplies such as tongs, clothes pins or clamps, wooden skewers or chopsticks, PVC pipe 2″ – 3″ in diameter and about 10″ long, wooden craft sticks and wood or plastic circles or squares (2 of each). Extra tools for dyeing When using the Rit Indigo Shibori Tie Dye Kit, all you need to add is hot water, salt, liquid dish soap and fabric. I used PFD (prepared for dyeing) fabric, but you can use whatever cotton fabric you have on hand. If you’re not using PFD fabric, make sure to wash your fabric first to remove any finishes that may be on it. There are also instructions for using this dye kit for other types of fabrics as well. Get your fabric ready There are many different folding methods that’ll give an authentic Shibori look to your fabric. These are well described in the instruction booklet that comes in the kit. If you zoom in on the picture below, you’ll be able to see how the fabric was folded to get the results shown in the pictures. You can also experiment and come up with your own folding designs. Instruction booklet for Shibori dyeing You can also have a look at videos which show several folding and wrapping techniques. Be sure to come back tomorrow when I demonstrate how to use the Rit Indigo Shibori Tie Dye Kit to make a dye bath and start dyeing your own unique designs on fabric. This is part 1 of 5 in this series Go to part 2: Tie-dyeing process: How to get Shibori style dyed fabric Print this page or save as a PDF 0qs433Best Press sprayMary Ellen’s Best Pressmisting bottlenotionsOdif 505Rit ColorStay Dye FixativeRit Indigo All-purpose DyeRIT Indigo Shibori Tie Dye KitShibori dyeing; Mont Marte Signature Fabric Art Set FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail Jean Boyd Jean has been designing and publishing patterns since 1997. For the past several years she has been designing patterns for new fabric collections by Northcott Fabrics. Her work has been published in several magazines in both Canada and the United States. Jean holds a Fiber Arts Certificate in quilting and has taught extensively throughout Canada, including six national Quilt Canada conferences. She was named "Canadian Teacher of the Year" in 2003 by the Canadian Quilters Association and has won numerous awards for her quilts. previous post Positioning a zipper on a pencil case PLUS the finishing touches [tutorial] next post Tie-dyeing process: How to get Shibori style dyed fabric YOU MAY ALSO LIKE... HeatnBond Fusible Webs: results and insights from a... Mastering fusible web: HeatnBond TIPS for woven fabrics... Master Fusible Web: HeatnBond SOFTSTRETCH Tips for Stretchy... Mastering Fusible Web: types, uses, and essential TIPS What’s the difference between batting, stabilizers, interfacing, and... 7 easy steps to make a scrappy border... The fool-proof way to add borders to your... The easiest way to do fusible applique |... 5 easy steps to make paper pieced heart... Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.