Brother Luminaire 2 Innov-ìs XP2 Creating your own designer fabric on the Brother Luminaire XP2 by Lynn Swanson October 23, 2020 by Lynn Swanson October 23, 2020 Quickly change your home décor according to the season using the QuiltBroidery on Brother Luminaire 2 Innov-ìs XP2. See how easy this is! FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail
Brother Luminaire 2 Innov-ìs XP2 Get help with thread color selection on the Brother Luminaire XP2 by Lynn Swanson October 22, 2020 by Lynn Swanson October 22, 2020 In yesterday’s post, I started creating letter blocks for a name on the Winnie the Pooh quilt. When I created the letter block in My Design Center, I wasn’t sure what colors I wanted to use for stitch-out. The Color Shuffle feature of the Brother Luminaire 2 Innov-ìs XP2 helped… FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail