H.A. Kidd sewing notions Foundation piecing equals perfect points every time by Jennifer Houlden April 15, 2016 by Jennifer Houlden April 15, 2016 Cottage season will soon be upon us and those spring mornings can be quite chilly especially when there’s no power. Since there’s no power it means coffee is made in a French press which tends to get chilled very quickly when the air around is cool. Today I’m going to… FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail
H.A. Kidd sewing notions 6 Pressing Tips For Perfect Seams by Jennifer Houlden July 14, 2015 by Jennifer Houlden July 14, 2015 Yesterday I had a great time playing with the TrueCut ruler and rotary cutter but today I need to get some sewing done so that this little table runner will actually be completed by the end of the week. How do you press your seams? What tool do you use?… FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail