H.A. Kidd sewing notions Festive Tree – quick and easy quilted wallhanging by Jennifer Houlden December 7, 2017 by Jennifer Houlden December 7, 2017 Yesterday’s Rolling Snowman placemats are done and with Christmas just around the corner I thought I would share with you a project that can be made in no time at all. We all end up needing a last minute gift or decoration so why not follow along and make this… FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail
Wonderfil Threads Machine embroidery using rayon thread makes for a very pretty make up case by Allison Spence April 28, 2017 by Allison Spence April 28, 2017 Yesterday on QUILTsocial I showed you how to make a journal cover with thread painting using WonderFil Rayon threads. All week I’ve been playing with these threads to do thread painting and machine embroidery. Today I’m sharing a tutorial for an easy zippered cosmetic bag. There are times when we hunt… FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail
Wonderfil Threads Comparing 3 weights of rayon threads in machine embroidery by Allison Spence April 26, 2017 by Allison Spence April 26, 2017 Yesterday on QUILTSocial I showed you how wonderfully WonderFil rayon threads look when thread painting on photographs printed on fabric. Today I’m going to show you how nice they work for machine embroidery. I recently had the opportunity to use a couple of different embroidery machines to experiment with these rayon… FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail
Wonderfil Threads Thread painting adds wonderful texture to fabric printed photographs by Allison Spence April 25, 2017 by Allison Spence April 25, 2017 Yesterday, I wrote about three different WonderFil’s rayon threads – Mirage, Splendor and Accent. Today I thought I’d share a simple project that showcases these great threads! Last summer I visited my daughter on the west coast of Canada. We went camping for a few days and lazed around in the sun on… FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail
Wonderfil Threads Why WonderFil’s rayon threads is a clear winner for your creative stitching by Allison Spence April 24, 2017 by Allison Spence April 24, 2017 My introduction to WonderFil Specialty Threads I was first introduced to WonderFil’s rayon threads and their many other lines of great threads way back in 2005. I opened my own sewing store in Calgary, Alberta and as WonderFil is a local company, it was an easy choice to support them… FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail