Arranging Log Cabin blocks
Yesterday on QUILTsocial I showed you two different ways to sew Log Cabin blocks using Northcott’s new line of fabric called Arisan Spirit – Euphoria. My seven Log Cabin blocks are all sewn and I already have an idea of how I want to arrange them but Log Cabin blocks are SO VERSATILE that I wanted to spend some time today showing you some of the many ways to arrange these blocks.
There’re lots of traditional designs for the placement of blocks – here are a few that I created using EQ7. Under each picture is the name of that traditional arrangement.
For my bed runner, I’m going to place the blocks all in a row, and since I sewed all of the blocks in the same configuration (with gold on the left, lime green on the top, dark green on the right and red on the bottom) when I lay them together, I end up with a red section all along the bottom of the blocks.
I want to break up this fabric, so I’m going to put some sashing strips in between each block. Since my blocks are each 12” square, I’m going to cut three strips 1¼” x WOF of the beige fabric and then sub-cut these into six 1¼” x 12” strips. I’m going to sew the blocks together with one sashing strip between each block.
Now that my seven blocks are sewn together, the bed runner measures about 84”. With a little border at either end it will be the perfect length.
These Artisan Spirit – Euphoria fabrics from Northcott are coming together beautifully for my bed runner! Tomorrow I’ll give you some great tips for sewing borders with setting triangles and my bed runner top will be finished. Someday I’m going to make myself a beautiful scrappy log cabin quilt. I just love them, and with so many ways to arrange Log Cabin blocks the possibilities for my future quilt are endless!