Yesterday we cut out all our blocks for the Pebble Play quilted wall hanging. Today we’re going to sew the blocks together. When sewing the drunkard’s path block together, it can be very frustrating or very fun! I have experienced both and now prefer the fun method.
Grab a set to make a block that consists of an L shape and quarter circle as we’ve cut out several.
Ensure that your machine has the ¼” foot on and set for tiny stitches. There’s no need for pins.
Laying the L shape on the bottom, match up the corners to start sewing. Go slow. This is vitally important when curve piecing, and relax – also important! Take your time and ease the fabric to match edges as you go.
The 1 simple trick
When you get half way or two thirds, stop. Cut the threads, take a deep breath and turn the block over.
Start at the other end now, repeating the same slow steady stitching. When you get to the middle, cross over your previous stitches by a couple of stitches, reverse for two and cut the thread.
Remove the block and take it to the ironing board. Be gentle in your pressing so you don’t stretch the block.
Give yourself a big pat on the back and continue to sew the remaining blocks! Press and trim after.
Tomorrow we put our quilted wall hanging together using Northcott Fabrics Naturescapes collection!