User’s Guide, Quick Help, JoyOS Advisor: sewing help at your fingertips by Elaine Theriault September 27, 2018 written by Elaine Theriault September 27, 2018 1K Welcome back! Hopefully, you saw in yesterday’s post the importance of doing some sample stitching before committing to the final elements. That thread color just wasn’t going to work. Today, I’m touching a bit more on some lettering, but I thought it was equally important to spend some time showing you how easy it is to learn the ins and outs of the Husqvarna Viking Designer EPIC. Husqvarna Viking Designer EPIC Let’s face it, this sewing and embroidery machine has a lot of stuff going on. If you’re familiar with the Husqvarna Viking sewing machines and/or are somewhat familiar with machine embroidery techniques, the learning curve won’t be that difficult, but if you’re brand new to Husqvarna Viking or machine embroidery, learning to operate the Designer EPIC could be daunting. The good news is that there are three extremely useful tools to help you learn how to use the Designer EPIC. 1 – The User’s Guide The User’s Guide no longer comes as a hard copy with the sewing machine. That’s not a problem as the entire User’s Guide is available on the interactive tablet right on the sewing machine. All the pictures, all the table of contents – everything is right there at your fingertips. There are even instructions on HOW to use the User’s Guide. You gotta love that! The User’s Guide is available for you to browse through by chapter as we’re most familiar with in a hard copy of the User’s Guide. The User’s Guide by chapters on the interactive screen of the Designer EPIC However, the topics are also listed in alphabetical order so if you’re looking for a specific function or feature, it’s easy to go through the alphabet tabs to find what you’re looking for. The topics in the User’s Guide listed in alphabetical order When you touch any one of the tabs, the list is expanded so you can see the individual topics that start with that letter. It’s so easy to maneuver through the lists. One of the alphabet tabs is expanded to show the list of topics And if that isn’t enough, you can also search on the topic/feature/function that you’re specifically looking for. Use the SEARCH box to find a specific topic It’s great to have this online version of the User’s Guide right at your fingertips and not have to remember where you stored your copy. The User’s Guide is also available online as a .pdf document. You can access the document online where you can view it on your tablet or computer but you’ll have to be connected to the internet in order to view the document. You can also download the document to your tablet or computer where you’ll be able to browse the User’s Guide anywhere even if you’re not connected to the internet. Technically, you could print that .pdf document out if you absolutely wanted a hard copy, but we’re becoming so technically savvy these days that almost nothing you buy comes with a hard copy of the user’s guide. I’d like to think that anyone who uses this amazing sewing machine wouldn’t need a hard copy guide. The User’s Guide accessed through the internet on a tablet However you access the User’s Guide, it’s a good idea that you browse through it. There’s a lot of information in that User’s Guide, and the folks at Husqvarna didn’t write it because they had nothing else to do that day. It was written to make your life easier. They’ve also made it accessible for all styles of learning. You don’t want to touch the Designer EPIC until you know everything, then read the User’s Guide from front to back. You want to dive in and learn each topic as you need – then read the topics. However you choose to use the User’s Guide, I would suggest that you take one section at a time and preferably sitting at the sewing machine, go through it. Identify all the physical parts of the sewing machine. Then identify the various functions on each of the screens. Soon you’ll know all the bits and pieces and you’ll be well on your way to becoming an expert on the Designer EPIC. I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it until everyone believes me. There’s a LOT of good information in the manual. And every time I read the User’s Guide, I usually learn something. 2 – The Quick Help Let’s say that you’re sitting at the sewing machine and there’s a function or button on the screen and you’ve no idea what it is or what it does. You can’t even search through the User’s Guide because you don’t know what you’re searching for. Yep – that’s happened to me a lot. So if you touch the QUESTION MARK in the top bar and then touch whatever button/function that you’re puzzled about, you’ll get a pop-up window that gives you a brief description. And if you want more information, there’s usually a link that you can follow that’ll provide even more details. That’s like having an expert teacher right at your side and guiding you through the functions of the Designer EPIC. When I wanted to know more about the grid lines that were in the “hoop” on the screen so I could better position my rows of lettering, I touched the Question Mark and got more information. Hey – I learned that I can set those grid lines to 4 preset metric settings, or 4 preset imperial settings (YEAH!) or I could create a custom setting for the grid lines. I didn’t know that before! Now I’ll remember how those grid lines work for future! Using the Quick Help to get information on the grid lines I’ve changed the grid lines to ½” spacing. Now it’s easy to position those lines of lettering. I’ve also left ½” above and below each of the lines with an extra ½” between for wiggle room. It’s so much easier to do something when you know what you’re doing. If I need to position the lettering exactly, I can use the POSITION functions on the bottom right to get the lettering just where I need it to be. It’s also easy to center these lines of lettering (side by side) using the Position functions. I know that I need to become more familiar with the metric system for measurements less than 12″. I need to make that a goal, but it’s a challenge when we use rulers with inches for all of the cutting of our projects. Grid lines are set at ½” which makes the placement of the lettering much easier (for my metric challenged brain) Did you notice that I changed the purple background to grey? I did find the purple distracting so I changed it to orange which was also distracting. I found the neutral grey was the best choice, but you can change that up once a day if you felt like it. There are lots of colors to choose from. The other thing if you were clever enough to catch it – I forgot to change the hoop size and the hoop selected is large – 360 x 240. Some of those lines of stitching will be too long for my blocks so they’ll have to be resized or I may have to revert to two lines of stitching which will mean the sashing is going to have to be 1½” wide finished, not 1″ as was my original intention. I ran out of time to play with it, but I saved the file to my USB so I can go back and play with it and once I’m happy, then I can save it. Options to change the background color of the “hoop” and the grid lines 3 – The JoyOS Advisor The third option when searching for information is called the JoyOS Advisor which is comprised of four sections. The Sewing Advisor, the Quilting Advisor, the Embroidery Advisor, and the Knowledge Center. All four are filled with excellent tutorials, videos, projects, and other very helpful information. You can also download the JoyOS Advisor to your Smartphone. It’s an app that’s available in the App store. So if you happen to be shopping and need to know what stabilizer to buy, you’ll have that information with you. The list of tutorials on sewing, quilting and embroidery techniques is HUGE. Partial display of embroidery technique tutorials available in the JoyOS Advisor Within each of the sections, there are tutorials and videos that’ll provide more information on that particular technique. That’s exciting especially if you’re new to any of the techniques covered. Quilting tutorials in the JoyOS Advisor Within the Knowledge Center is information on Stabilizers, which is something that all of us need to know. There’s a Quick Start Guide if you’re stuck, some workbook projects and some sewing instructions. Topics covered in the Knowledge Center of the JoyOS Advisor I’ve run out of time but I wanted to at least touch on one more thing about lettering. Once you have a line of lettering, it’s a simple process to edit that lettering and have it placed along different line shapes rather than just a straight line of stitching. This would be awesome for labels. The best part about this – you don’t have to do any calculating. You don’t have to manipulate those curves – you just select the functions that you want and the embroidery editor will do all the hard work for you. It doesn’t get any easier than that. Changing the text to print on a curved shape is as easy as selecting the shape from the popup menu All these information sources do NOT replace a good class from your Husqvarna Viking dealer. The class will give you a good overview of everything that’s possible, but it will be difficult to remember it all. These amazing reference tools will help you when there’s no one to guide you at home. The key to remember is to search through or read through the information in bits. Sit at the sewing machine. Touch the buttons, see what happens when you push all the buttons. You can’t really hurt anything and all you have to gain is knowledge. I’ve barely touched the surface of the options available on the Husqvarna Viking Designer EPIC. There’s truly a whole lot more to explore and I hope to touch on more options in future posts. Tomorrow, I’ll be making a label for one of the quilts that I made sashing for this week. Have a great day! Ciao! This is part 4 of 5 in this series. Go back to part 3: 6 steps: adding lettering to quilt sashings using machine embroidery [shareaholic app=”follow_buttons” id=”23735596″] Print this page or save as a PDF 0qs226designer epichusqvarna vikingsewing machine reviews FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail Elaine Theriault Elaine Theriault is a teacher, writer and pattern designer who is completely obsessed with quilting. Elaine’s Tech Tips column (originally published in A Needle Pulling Thread magazine) is now available online in e-book format at When not quilting, she enjoys spending time with her two dogs, Lexi and Murphy, or can be found cycling across the country. Her blog is previous post 6 steps: adding lettering to quilt sashings using machine embroidery next post 6 steps to creating an embroidered quilt label using the Designer EPIC YOU MAY ALSO LIKE... 6 steps to creating an embroidered quilt label... 6 steps: adding lettering to quilt sashings using... 6 steps to add lettering to your quilt... 5 steps for adding a pop of color... 2 quilt bindings that add pizzazz: getting creative... Stitching down the binding: thread color, stitches and... Essential finishing tips for the Vintage-look Art Quilt Combining stitches to create a quilted art piece Sparking creativity using the Designer EPIC’s Knowledge Center 4 comments Linda July 21, 2024 - 8:51 pm Can you print the Manuel off the Viking Epic 1 embroidery machine Reply Elaine Theriault July 23, 2024 - 7:18 am Yes — download the manual from the internet. Then print on your home printer or load it to a USB stick and take it to your local copy shop. Reply susanne McMurray March 10, 2020 - 11:36 am How to unlock a frozen screen Reply Elaine Theriault July 23, 2024 - 7:18 am Did you try turning the machine off and then back on? Reply Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.