5 steps to success with the PFAFF Stitch Creator feature

The fun never seems to end when using the PFAFF quilt expression 720! This week I’m exploring the Stitch Creator feature and working on making some small stitched gifts. The gift-giving season is fast approaching and this year I’m thinking about small, add on gifts I can make and give with something else. Quick makes, but creative!

Today I have some steps to get started with yet another feature on the PFAFF quilt expression 720 – the Stitch Creator feature. I can make my own stitches to stitch on gifts!

PFAFF quilt expression 720

1. Have the standard stitch plate on when designing

There’s nothing worse than playing on the machine and designing something I want to create then finding out I have the wrong stitch plate on! The machine will not save the stitches at this stage.

The quilt expression 720 comes with a straight stitch plate that I use all the time to get nice, precise stitching on my quilts, but the machine needs a bigger needle hole when stitching out decorative stitches. All is not lost – I can change the plate now although that’s not recommended for safety reasons. The machine may also alert me that the stitch width safety is on; I can press the gear icon to go into the machine settings and deselect stitch width safety. The machine is set up for success and these safety measures ensure the machine will not get damaged by not being set up correctly for wide stitches. Now I’m ready to create!

Sewing settings menu in Color Touch Screen

2. Start with an imported stitch

Most of the stitches built into the PFAFF quilt expression 720 can be used in the Stitch Creator feature. If it can’t, a pop-up will tell me and then I’ll just need to pick a different stitch. Touch the icon to go into Stitch Creator feature, then select the stitch menu and choose a stitch. I can manipulate it using the Stitch Creator feature. Press the question mark icon then select an icon inside the feature window to see what it does; I can duplicate, insert, delete and even triple stitch a stitch point.

This step could also be called – read the manual! There’s a whole section devoted to this feature and it will help to understand the creative potential of it!

I chose to work with the fish stitch and have a project in mind I’ll share tomorrow. The recipient is an older man and a fisherman so I thought removing the smile from the fish was a good idea 😉 I selected the stitch point at the end of the smile to start deleting its stitches.

Fish stitch in Stitch Creator

3. Start from scratch!

This feature is easy to use once you start – like just about everything in quilting, I think! If you followed the last step, you’ll be a bit more familiar with stitch points and how to change them to customize a stitch. When creating your own, the ability to pan and use the wheel for precise stitch point placement will be what you spend your time focussing on when looking at the Color Touch Screen. Using the included stylus that tucks into the side of the machine will make creating stitches easier –  touch directly on the stitch points with the stylus to manipulate them or use it to touch the wheel. Either way, add some stitch points and see what you can create!

After a few trial runs I decided to stick to creating a stitch with straight lines. I was able to use the stylus and use the stitch point numbers above the wheel to make sure my stitch points created a straight arrow stitch.

Arrow stitch I created using Stitch Creator.

4. Sew and save

To see what the stitch will look like when sewn, touch OK in the Color Touch Screen. Now the stitch will appear in the stitch view – remember I can also adjust the stitch length and density here too. Try out your stitch and see what you think. You can go back into the Stitch Creator feature and make any adjustments you think the stitch needs. I was pretty happy to see the straight sides of my arrow stitch 🙂

Arrow stitched out

If I want to keep my stitch to use again, I can! When in the stitch screen select the heart icon to save the stitch. The Color Touch Screen will change to the personal menu where I can then select the spot I want to save the stitch. I saved the arrow stitches and now I just have to think of the perfect project to use it in.

Arrow stitch saved in personal menu

5. PLAY!

Enjoy the challenge of creating. Let yourself wonder about what will happen if you try adding a stitch point or deleting two, then try it! You can always start again. We learn by doing so try it out. The Stitch Creator feature may just become your favorite one on the PFAFF creative expression 720.

This is part 1 of 5 in this series.

Go to part 2: Edit built-in decorative stitches using the PFAFF Stitch Creator feature

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Linda Webster October 31, 2019 - 7:07 pm
Thank you so much for the tutorial.
MaryBeth Little October 30, 2019 - 12:06 pm
thanks for the info.
Sarah Vanderburgh October 30, 2019 - 1:09 pm
Your welcome, MaryBeth! I think the Stitch Creator feature is a hidden gem on the PFAFF quilt expression 720 :)
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