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Home » QUILTsocial » 50 ways to keep a quilter happy while on vacation 10, 9, 8, 7

50 ways to keep a quilter happy while on vacation 10, 9, 8, 7

by Elaine Theriault

I’m running out of summer and there are still things I want to do! Today, I have three more great diversions to do while on vacation (or any other time of the year) and one more great quilt shop. How has your summer been? What’s the most quilt related thing you managed to do while you  were lazing away those awesome summer days? Here we go with 50 ways to keep a quilter happy while on vacation! Enjoy!

Number 10 – participate in a Shop Hop

There are numerous shop hops throughout the country. The brochures/passports are available at any of the participating quilt shops. Pick up the passport, read the fine print and you’re set! It’s a great way to visit shops that you have never been to and an excuse to visit your local shops.

If you’re in a different area than your home town, this is a perfect way to see what those quilt stores have to offer. Shop hops usually take place during the spring, summer and fall. It would not be fun to shop hop in the snow!

 Southern Ontario July Shop Hop brochure

Southern Ontario July Shop Hop brochure

Number 9 – take photos for inspiration

I always have my camera at the ready to take pictures of things that intrigue me. I often find images or ideas that would be good to develop into a quilt pattern or perhaps it’s an interesting combination of colors that inspire me.

Whatever it is – it’s great to keep an eye out for this kind of thing. Best of all – you never know where inspiration will hit!

Interesting block design in the women's washroom at the airport

Interesting block design in the women’s washroom at the airport

As interesting as that picture is above – it would’ve been more fun if that sign were from the men’s washroom!! Next time!

Beautiful display of rainbow colors

Beautiful display of rainbow colors

Yes – I took that picture at a Wal-Mart. Hey! Inspiration can strike anywhere!

Number 8 – visit a thrift store

I love to visit thrift stores. Some are better than others, but you never know what treasures you will find. I have a routine – I start with the craft books. You’ll more often find the older ones than new ones which suits me fine. Over the years, I’ve found several great books.

Next up are the games and puzzles. I’m always on the hunt for Scrabble games, but I’ve never seen one for sale. There must be a lot of Scrabble games in people’s basements or they’re being gobbled up for the tiles!

Down to the craft section to see if there’s anything useful and/or unusual, then it’s on to the bedding department where I check the duvet/comforter section. You never know what people are ready to get rid of. One day, I spied a man folding a quilt. Oh my – is it going to be my lucky day? Nope he tucked that quilt under his arm and proceeded to walk away. I followed him! He very carefully put the quilt in the shopping basket that was firmly in the grip of his wife. DRAT – five minutes too late to get a treasure. It was a Sun Bonnet Sue quilt and appeared to be in good condition. Lastly I check the linens and fabric. Again you never know what you’re going to find.

If you’re looking for weird things to use for crazy quilts or other off the wall projects, a visit to the thrift store is indeed a great place to start.

Craft book section at the thrift store

Craft book section at the thrift store

Number 7 – visit a quilt store

Off to another quilt store, this time on Vancouver Island. This store is called Snip & Stitch Sewing Center in Nanaimo, BC. This is a beautiful, big and bright store. So many stores – so little time!

Great wool projects and all the supplies

Great wool projects and all the supplies

Christmas fabric pre-cuts

Christmas fabric pre-cuts

Gorgeous quilt display racks

Gorgeous quilt display racks

This series is coming to a close, next week will be the last week. Can you guess what activities I have planned for you? Don’t forget to send in pictures, projects or ideas that you worked on this summer, it’s always interesting to hear what readers have to add to our list of the 50 ways to keep a quilter happy while on vacation. Have a great day! Ciao!

See all the articles in our “50 ways to keep a quilter happy while on vacation…” series!


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