Banyan Batiks Intaglio fabric is perfect for this quilted tote bag by Jean Boyd September 19, 2019 written by Jean Boyd September 19, 2019 974 Yesterday I showed you how to turn a modern disappearing nine patch block into the outside section of a tote bag made from Banyan Batiks Intaglio fabric. Now I’m ready to do the finishing touches! Trim and square up the outside edges. Sew the 2 short ends, right sides together, to form a tube. Sew short ends together to form a tube. Sew across the bottom, right sides together, with a ½” seam. Follow the diagram below to make the bottom corners of the bag. Make the bottom corners. Use a walking foot to stitch the bottom corners. Using a fabric marker, mark a line 1½” down from the top edge. This will be the fold line. Cut 2 handles from 1″ webbing. My handles were cut 30″ long, but you can make yours longer or shorter if you wish. Pin handles to the outside of the front and back of the bag, across the top, spacing them as desired. Pin handles to the outside of the front and back of the bag. Following the diagram below, stitch the handles in place. Stitch handles in place. Turn bag so the wrong side is out. Make the lining Measure all around the outside of the bag and cut a piece of Banyan Batiks Intaglio or Shadows fabric the same size plus ¼” seam allowance. Sew the side seam of the lining. Place the lining inside the quilted piece so right sides are together. Stitch across top edges of lining and quilted piece. Turn the bag right side out. Fold down the top quilted edge on the 1½” marked line at the top. From the inside, top-stitch along the seam line to secure bag and lining together. Stitch through all layers to secure lining, handles and bag front. Adjust lining so it fits inside the bag. You may have to trim some extra fabric from the bottom. Sew bottom seam of lining by folding raw edges to the inside and top-stitching in place Stitch bottom edge of lining. Make corners in lining fabric the same as you did for the bag. Now, who would have thought this stylish tote bag made from Banyan Batiks Intaglio fabric started out as a simple nine patch block! Stylish tote bag made from Banyan Batiks Intaglio fabric Come back tomorrow and learn how to make a table runner from 2 modern disappearing nine-patch blocks! This is part 4 of 5 in this series. Go back to part 3: Making a quilted tote bag using a modern disappearing 9 patch Go to part 5: 2 disappearing 9 patch blocks make 1 modern table runner [shareaholic app=”follow_buttons” id=”23735596″] Print this page or save as a PDF 0qs277accessoriesBanyan Batiksfabricfree patternsIntaglionine patch blockplacematsquilt blocksShadowswallhangings FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail Jean Boyd Jean has been designing and publishing patterns since 1997. For the past several years she has been designing patterns for new fabric collections by Northcott Fabrics. Her work has been published in several magazines in both Canada and the United States. Jean holds a Fiber Arts Certificate in quilting and has taught extensively throughout Canada, including six national Quilt Canada conferences. She was named "Canadian Teacher of the Year" in 2003 by the Canadian Quilters Association and has won numerous awards for her quilts. previous post Making a quilted tote bag using a modern disappearing 9 patch next post 2 disappearing 9 patch blocks make 1 modern table runner YOU MAY ALSO LIKE... QUILTsocial Giveaway 288: Jungle Rose 12-Fat Quarter Fabric... Get your Banyan Batiks Baralla, we’re making a... QUILTsocial Giveaway 284: Baralla 12-Fat Quarter Fabric Bundle! 5 tips to create the best ever quilt... The secret to modern quilting using the straight... How a short stitch, in quilting, can save... How to choose a quilt design for fabric... Falling in love with Banyan Batiks Kayana autumn... Banyan Batiks Kayana Autumn fabric steals the fall... 2 comments Pam October 3, 2019 - 9:36 pm These fabrics are stunning! I love the tote design too – nice and tall! Reply Tammy Burch September 19, 2019 - 11:20 pm I absolutely LOVE your fabrics! !!!! ❤❤❤❤ Reply Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.