Cutting Jungle Rose fabric for a modern drunkards path quilt by Robin Bogaert December 3, 2019 written by Robin Bogaert December 3, 2019 1.1K Yesterday, I spoke about the gorgeous Banyan Batiks Jungle Rose Cool fabric and showed an image of the finished quilt. Today, I’m discussing cutting and preparing the fabric. What’s really neat about batik fabric is that it doesn’t fray as easy as other types of cotton quilting fabric. Because of this fact, I planned this quilt with raw edge applique and a quick and easy quilting method in mind. Also, there’s typically no wrong or right side with batiks and this makes it easy to piece because you don’t have to worry about right sides together, an added bonus. Remember to keep this raw edge and no right or wrong side in mind as I explain step by step what to cut and how to prepare the fabric. Cutting Instructions 1. Iron and square up all 10 pieces of fabric (including the backing/binding fabric). 2. Cut two 6½” WOF strips (width of fabric) from all 10 fabrics. Set backing and binding fabric aside for now. 3. Identify darks and lights (or medium and dark) and lay them down alternating light and dark as shown. Banyan Batiks Jungle Rose Cool fabric stacked, alternating light and dark 4. Subcut 6½” x WOF strips, into seven 6½” squares of each color. Set excess fabric aside to make the arcs. 5. Stack these 6½” squares the same as the pieces as shown above, alternating light and dark. 6. Make a template from the downloaded template B for the arc out of template plastic or a stiff card stock. Note: Seam allowance is not to be included for the curved arc side. Label the template for future use as template B for Modern Drunkards Path quilt. Template B for the Drunkards Path 7. Using template B and the remaining fabric strips, cut out 7 arcs from each of the fabrics. 8. There should now be 70 squares and 70 arcs from each fabric. 70 6½” squares and 70 template B arcs from Banyan Batiks Jungle Rose Cool fabric 9. Cut four 1″ x 17″ strips of HeatnBond Lite Iron-on Adhesive, then subcut into many 1″ x ½” pieces. HeatnBond Lite Iron-on Adhesive is a very light adhesive meant for fabric and will iron out to a soft finish on your quilt. HeatnBond Lite Iron-On Adhesive 10. Iron the HeatnBond Lite Iron-On Adhesive pieces glue side down to the fabric, paper side facing towards you, close to the curve on each arc piece as shown. Don’t forget there’s no right or wrong side for the fabric, this makes it easy. I used 3 pieces on each arc, more can be used as desired. HeatnBond Lite Iron-On Adhesive ironed to fabric arc 11. Once the HeatnBond Lite Iron-On Adhesive has cooled, remove the paper backing from all of the arcs. Paper backing removed from the HeatnBond Lite Iron-On Adhesive, the shine from the glue is showing Tomorrow, I’ll show the process for fusing the arcs for the drunkards path blocks and piecing this quilt. The Fireside Modern Drunkards Path quilt made with the Jungle Rose Cool colorway by Banyan Batiks is well on its way to being completed. See you tomorrow, until then Happy Tuesday. This is part 2 of 5 in this series. Go back to part 1: Last-minute gift: a lap quilt using Banyan Batiks Jungle Rose Go to part 3: In this fashion, piecing a drunkards path quilt is a breeze! Print this page or save as a PDF 0qs288Banyan Batiksfabricsfree patterns quiltsJungle Rose FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail Robin Bogaert Robin Bogaert is a long arm quilter, creator and blogger at and has many years of quilting experience. Robin was the past owner of a quilt shop in Windsor, Ontario and now resides in Waterloo. Robin's roots in quilting are traditional, however she appreciates modern quilt design as well and considers the focus of work to be designing, teaching, trunk shows, free motion quilting, ruler work and thread painting. In addition to her passion for sharing all things quilting, Robin is busy with pattern design and sells her patterns on her website and with Robin was featured in the Summer 2016 and 2017 (Canada 150th) edition of Quilters’ Connection Magazine and is a new guest contributor at previous post Last minute gift: a lap quilt using Banyan Batiks Jungle Rose next post In this fashion, piecing a drunkards path quilt is a breeze! YOU MAY ALSO LIKE... Creative quilting options for Fireside Modern Drunkards Path... How to sandwich a quilt for domestic machine... In this fashion, piecing a drunkards path quilt... Last minute gift: a lap quilt using Banyan... Last minute gift solution: lap quilt using Banyan... Quilting options for Banyan Batiks Baralla disappearing 9... Magic sewing secrets revealed: the disappearing 9 patch Creating BIG disappearing 9 patch blocks with Banyan... Unique fussy cut options with Banyan Batiks Baralla... Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.