Yesterday I showed you how to do some machine applique with the Brother NQ900 machine.
Brother NQ900 machine
Even though I’ve used many of the decorative stitches on the NQ900 for my projects this week, there were still many more that I wanted to try. I did some stitch samples of the cross stitch designs from the decorative stitch panel #2. There are 15 cross stitch designs in all. In my sample, the green thread is a light-weight polyester, the pink thread is cotton and the blue is a heavy-weight cotton. I think you’ll agree that all of the stitches are very attractive!
Just a few of the many cross stitch designs available
Then I tried some of the satin-stitch designs. They’re in decorative stitch panel #2 on the machine. In my sample the green thread is a light-weight polyester and the blue is a heavy-weight cotton.
Satin stitch designs
I love the fact that you can use the “back to beginning key” to start any pattern right at the beginning of the design.
Touching the “back to beginning” key lets you start stitching any pattern at the beginning of the design.
If you want a mirror image of any stitch, you just touch the mirror image key. Both of these keys are easily accessible right on the front of the NQ900.
When you touch the mirror image button indicated by the arrow, you get a mirror image of the stitch design. This is also shown on the LCD screen.
When you touch the single/repeat sewing button indicated by the arrow, you get just one stitch pattern. The single stitch is shown on the LCD screen as a heart in the top right hand corner.
Sewing a single stitch pattern
When you touch the single/repeat sewing button a second time, you can sew the stitch design continuously. This is shown on the top right side of the LCD screen as a heart shape plus half a heart shape.
Sewing the stitch design continuously
There are five different sets of character stitches on this machine, so of course I had to try all of those as well. When sewing character stitches, the machine automatically sews reinforcement stitches at the beginning and end of each character. What a great feature to have! You can also change the space between characters by selecting “Character Spacing” in the settings screen.
Adjust the character spacing by pressing the “+” or “-” key. The higher the setting, the wider the spacing will be between the characters.
Here’s my stitch sample using all five sets of character stitches on the Brother NQ900.
Samples of all 5 character stitches
I’ve really enjoyed using the Brother NQ900 machine for the past few weeks. It’s such a user-friendly machine! The manuals are excellent and easy to follow. Everything I tried on this machine worked just as it’s supposed to.
Now I just have to find time to make more projects so I can use even more decorative stitching plus some of the other wonderful features on the Brother NQ900 machine!
This is part 5 of 5 in this series.
Go back to part 4: Machine applique using the Brother NQ900
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