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Gift Wrapping with Fabric Flowers

by Kathy K. Wylie

As we celebrate this season with gift-giving, there’s something so special about a beautifully-wrapped parcel. Over the past few days, we have been learning how to make fabric flowers with a Kanzashi Flower Maker using Christmas fabrics. Yesterday, we discovered three ways to use fabric flowers as Christmas decorations. Now let’s see how gift wrapping with fabric flowers would look!

Gift Bag

Attach a Pointed Petal flower and decorative button to a handmade or purchased gift bag for an elegant accent.

Fabric flower on gift bag

Fabric flower on gift bag

Gift Bow

Layer a large-size and extra-small-size Pointed Petal flower to create a gorgeous gift bow.

Fabric flower gift bow

Fabric flower gift bow

Wouldn’t you love to open this present on Christmas morning?

Gift with fabric flower gift bow

Gift with fabric flower gift bow

Not only does Clover have Kanzashi Flower Makers, they also have Bow Makers.

Clover Bow Makers

Clover Bow Makers

Take your favorite ribbon and wrap it around the bow maker as instructed to create a 7-pointed star. Then add a fabric flower to complete the ensemble.

Gift with bow and fabric flower

Gift with bow and fabric flower

There’s something so special about giving and receiving a well-wrapped Christmas gift. Gift wrapping with fabric flowers takes the feeling that much further! I have another post planned for you tomorrow. Discover how fabric flowers can enhance your table as you entertain family and friends.



Alicia C December 12, 2014 - 7:02 pm

Loving forward to similar ideas to make my holiday packages glow.

Kathy E. December 12, 2014 - 5:44 pm

I really like the idea of adding flowers to accentuate gift wrapping. They can easily be re-used or added to other things. So pretty and unique!

Gretchen Boyle December 11, 2014 - 11:35 pm

I love fabric origami flowers and would really appreciate winning these tools to make even more! Thank you for sponsoring this give away!

andrea December 11, 2014 - 10:45 am

Gorgeous flowers! Just the right finishing touch for a glam package!

Anne Gale December 11, 2014 - 9:22 am

I love the fabric flowers!! They are beautiful and classy!

Love QuiltSocial as well …


Chris Wokral December 11, 2014 - 7:57 am

Looks cool!

Carla A. Canonico December 11, 2014 - 3:06 pm



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