How to use Odif 505 to make quilt basting quick and easy by Paul Leger October 14, 2021 written by Paul Leger October 14, 2021 487 Good morning and welcome back! In yesterday’s post, I appliqued the teddy bear onto my Christmas-themed wall hanging, and I wrote about the versatility of Odif 404 Spray and Fix Permanent Repositionable Adhesive for Craft Material and Odif 808 Spray and Fix Temporary Adhesive for Paper Patterns, as they both can be used on paper or fabric. Today, with the help of Odif 505 Temporary Quilt Basting Adhesive Fabric Spray, I’ll baste my Christmas wall hanging and quilt it. Odif 505 in 156g and 312g sizes. There’s nothing easier than basting a quilt using Odif 505 Temporary Quilt Basting Adhesive Fabric Spray! Here’s how you do it: Ensure the backing and batting are at least 3″ to 4″ wider and longer than the quilt top. Secure the backing fabric to a flat surface. I gently flatten out the backing face down on the floor and secure it in place with masking tape. Tape the quilt backing to a flat surface such as the floor. Spray a thin layer of Odif 505 on the backing. Place the batting over the backing, ensuring it’s flat and wrinkle free. Spray a thin layer of Odif 505 on the top of the batting and carefully place the quilt top on the batting, ensuring it’s flat and wrinkle free. I know many quilters prefer to apply the Odif 505 to the fabric and not the batting. For many years now, I’ve been applying the Odif 505 directly to the batting with no issues. It comes down to a personal choice, and I don’t think there’s a right or wrong method. Quilt is basted and ready for quilting The last step today is to quilt the quilt. There are many possible designs you can use to quilt this wall hanging. I prefer a simple quilt pattern, so I’ll quilt diagonal lines going from corner to corner at a 2″ interval. I often mark the quilting lines using painter’s tape. I place the first piece of tape corner to corner, then with the help of a ruler, I space the lengths of tape at 2″ intervals. Normally, I only put tape on one of the sections of the quilt at a time. Place painter’s tape at 2″ intervals on the quilt. Stitch the quilting line by following the edge of the tape. Quilt along the edge of the tape. When the first section is complete, repeat the above steps to quilt the other sections. The tape can be used more than once. I really enjoy using this method when working on large quilts, as it’s difficult and awkward to draw long lines. The quilt with all the quilting completed. It was a simple process to baste the quilt with Odif 505 Temporary Quilt Basting Adhesive Fabric Spray, and now the quilt is done! All I need to do is add a binding, and I’ll share my preferred technique tomorrow. Before I end today’s post, I’d like to talk about Odif DK5 Adhesive Cleaner. This is another must-have product in any studio. When a spray adhesive is used, there’s always a risk of over-spray on your work surface or the floor. Odif DK5 is formulated to remove sprays on any flat surface. It’s very easy to use. Spray where needed, wait a couple of minutes and wipe. Odif DK5 This is part 4 of 5 in this series Go back to part 3: The many uses of Odif adhesive sprays Go to part 5: 11 easy steps to beautiful binding Print this page or save as a PDF 0qs385free patternsgutermannGütermann 7-pc MCT Sew-all 100m Thread Set – ChristmasHoliday wall hangingKomfort KUT Ruler CutternotionsOdifOdif 404 Spray and Fix Permanent Repositionable Adhesive for Craft MaterialOdif 606 Spray and Fix No-sew Fusible Adhesive WebOdif 808 Spray Fix Temporary Adhesive for Paper PatternsolisoOliso M2Pro Mini Project IronOliso Pro TG1600 Smart Ironquiltsthreadstutorials FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail Paul Leger I took my first quilting course in September 1994 in Barrie, Ontario, near the armed forces base where I was stationed. After moving to Ottawa in 1996, I joined my first guild. I took more courses and began to buy quilting books and lots of fabrics. Quilting has become my passion. I have made over 150 more quilts since then, and have never looked back. I now share my knowledge of quilting by teaching and doing presentations, and blogging! previous post The many uses of Odif adhesive sprays next post 11 easy steps to beautiful binding YOU MAY ALSO LIKE... Cutting fabric for a mini quilt with SINGER... HeatnBond Fusible Webs: results and insights from a... Mastering fusible web: HeatnBond TIPS for woven fabrics... Master Fusible Web: HeatnBond SOFTSTRETCH Tips for Stretchy... Mastering Fusible Web: types, uses, and essential TIPS What’s the difference between batting, stabilizers, interfacing, and... 7 easy steps to make a scrappy border... The fool-proof way to add borders to your... The easiest way to do fusible applique |... 1 comment Christi October 15, 2021 - 4:23 am Does this dry fast? I use Quilting spray on the sides when I am quilting with my Longarm. I don’t like basting all the way around. I want a spray that dries very quickly. 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