Making a greeting card using the ScanNCut SDX225 and fabric scraps! by Jean Boyd July 24, 2020 written by Jean Boyd July 24, 2020 831 Yesterday, I showed how to finish up the Sailboat Welcome banner using applique pieces cut on the Brother ScanNCut SDX225. Welcome banner with fusible applique shapes cut on the Brother ScanNCut SDX225 Now you’ve learned some of the basics of using the ScanNCut, let’s use those techniques to make a small greeting card. Greeting card with fusible applique shapes cut on the Brother ScanNCut SDX225 materials Pre-folded blank card 10″ x 7″. When folded this will make a 5″ x 7″ finished card. These are available in craft supply stores and come with an envelope. You can also make your own card by cutting cardstock to the desired size. Scraps left over from the Sailboat Welcome banner Fusible web Let’s get started From the home screen select Retrieve Data. Choose the Sailboat design that was saved in the ScanNCut machine when you made the Sailboat Welcome banner. Press Retrieve Data to find the sailboat design from the Welcome banner. Pres Edit, select the word Welcome with the stylus and then touch the trash can icon to delete the word Welcome. On the screen, select the 3 red squares, then the key that has a circle and a diamond in it. This allows you to select all the pieces in the boat. Press OK. Touch the 3 red squares to let you select all sections of the design. Select the button on the right to show all sections of the design. Press edit and then choose the square with the circle and diamond. This will join all the pieces together. Using the edit screen, re-size the boat so it measures 4.51″ high. The width will change automatically. Refer back to my post about learning ScanNCut basics for more details on resizing if you wish. Use the edit menu to resize the sailboat to 4.51″. Select Add – Pattern – Smile Create – Bon Voyage – Travel Press Smile Create to bring up a selection of designs. Select Bon Voyage to bring up a selection of words and sentiments. The words are arranged alphabetically, so scroll down to find the word travel. Click on the word travel to place it on the design screen. Use the edit menu to make the word 0.9″ high. Resize the word so it’s 0.9″ high. The width will adjust automatically. Make sure the word travel and the boat shapes are showing on the screen. Place your fusible-backed fabric on the standard tack adhesive mat. I was working with very small pieces of fabric so I used painter’s tape on the edges to make sure they wouldn’t slip on the mat. Tape down edges of small fabric pieces so they won’t slip. Make sure to use the fabric cutting blade (the one with the beige top). Scan the fabric and then drag each shape to the appropriate piece of fabric. You can rotate the shapes so they fit better on the fabric by using the object edit-key and then the rotate key. Drag the shapes onto the fabric. When you have the shapes where you want them, press OK until you get to the screen that says Please select. Choose cut and everything will be cut out for you! I also used a water shape from the borders group in the pattern menu. This shape also makes good grass as you can see in some of my other cards. There are over 100 border designs built into the Brother ScanNCut SDX225. Finishing up Remove the paper backing from the fusible web and place each shape where desired on the card front. You need to iron the fabric to the cardstock to make it permanent. I used the Clover Mini Iron but if you’re using a regular iron, don’t use steam and press gently so you don’t burn the paper. The finished sailboat card As you can see, I got a little carried away with my card making and made several more. All the shapes are built right into the Brother ScanNCut SDX225. You just need to resize them to fit the space you’re using. The words on the cards (except for the sailboat and awesome card) were drawn using the pens that come with the ScanNCut. I’ll be doing more with that technique in my next QUILTsocial posts, so please come back and see this and other great features on the Brother ScanNCut SDX225. Fabric scraps plus a Brother ScanNCut SDX225 are perfect for fusible applique shapes on greeting cards. This is part 5 of 5 in this series Go back to part 4: Using ScanNCut pieces for a quilted welcome banner Print this page or save as a PDF 0qs321brotherfree patternsScanNCutsewing machine reviewswallhangings FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail Jean Boyd Jean has been designing and publishing patterns since 1997. For the past several years she has been designing patterns for new fabric collections by Northcott Fabrics. Her work has been published in several magazines in both Canada and the United States. Jean holds a Fiber Arts Certificate in quilting and has taught extensively throughout Canada, including six national Quilt Canada conferences. She was named "Canadian Teacher of the Year" in 2003 by the Canadian Quilters Association and has won numerous awards for her quilts. previous post Using ScanNCut pieces for a quilted welcome banner next post Back to babies and my quilting life YOU MAY ALSO LIKE... Drawing seam lines and cutting applique shapes on... Drawing designs with the Brother ScanNCut SDX225 More sources for stencil designs to cut on... Let’s use the Brother ScanNCut SDX225 to make... Getting creative with the Brother ScanNCut SDX225 Drawing, writing and cutting with the Brother ScanNCut... 3 excellent ways to make the back of... Let’s make Valentine fabric postcards! 9 easy steps make the Brother ScanNCut SDX225... 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