Time to get started on the leaf blocks that were cut yesterday for the moose background. When using Banyan Batiks fabric to create the quilt blocks you’ll find that they work wonderfully. The high quality of the fabric makes sewing on the bias for the half square triangles simple and easy and pressing is a dream!
Make a total of 8 leaf blocks which will finish at 9” square. They will be set in a 2 x 4 pattern.
This is the block arrangement for the background.
For each quilt block
(1) 3½” square white
(4) 3½” HSTs
(3) 3½” orange
(1) 3½” stem square
Stem Squares
Let’s get the stem square out of the way first. The photograph below these instructions will help you with the steps.
Take a 3⅛” square and draw a diagonal line on the wrong side in pencil.
Place the 3⅛” white square onto a 3½” orange square on top, right sides together, two corners aligned as in the picture.
Sew along line and press.
Take a second 3⅛” white square and draw a diagonal line on the wrong side in pencil.
As before, place the 3⅛” white square onto a 3½” orange square on top, right sides together, two corners matching.
Sew along line and press out.
Trim away the excess fabric to a ¼” seam allowance.
Ta da! The stem unit is complete. Now make 7 more… remember, if using two fabrics for the leaf blocks that will be 4 of one fabric and 4 of another.
Steps to make the stem unit for the leaf block
Making HSTs
Next make your hsts, you will need 4 per block for a total of 32.
I chose the following method for my HSTs as I know I’m not a perfect piecer and I prefer to give my squares a quick trim to make them tidy.
The picture below shows my process and you may use whatever method you prefer.
These are the 6 steps I use to make a half square triangle
Finally, assemble the quilt block as shown below.
This is how to put together the leaf block.
You’ll have a total of 8 leaf blocks when done. Whew that was a lot!
The Coral colorway of the Banyan Batiks Alilah has a deep, rich tone and will make the moose applique obvious while making a statement in the backdrop.
Tomorrow we sew them together, sandwich the table runner and add some grid quilting before the moose applique. Join me!
Completed leaf quilt block in fantastic Banyan Batiks Alilah!
I would love to see how your project is progressing… you can find me @iamgingerq on Instagram!
This is part 2 of 5 in this series.
Go back to part 1: Alilah fabric makes the Magical Moose Crossing table runner, whimsical!
Go to part 3: A background of beautiful maple leaves and simple grid quilting
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