Quilting a Study Pillow for College Life by Nancy Devine August 11, 2014 written by Nancy Devine August 11, 2014 1K Soft and cozy pillow in quilted flannel. This study pillow holds music and chocolate. It’s important to engage in quilting a study pillow for college life. Taking the comforts of home isn’t completely possible when you are off to your school dorm, but this study pillow helps. No, it won’t take the exam for you, but you can store your phone or music player and headphone in the clever side pockets. These, are also handy to keep your emergency chocolate. You will need a bolster pillow form outer fabric lining muslin quilt batting thread 505 spray basting adhesive fabric for the pillow ends Measure the width and length of the pillow form, adding a 1/4 inch seam allowance. Create a quilt sandwich to match the measurements. The finished size of my quilted fabric was 24 inches wide by 19 long. Spray baste the sandwich layers together. Machine quilt the layers together. I decided to create a diamond pattern by quilting rows of straight stitches diagonally in one direction, then the other. Trim the quilted piece. Create a diamond pattern by quilting a line of stitches diagonally in one direction and then the other. Sew long end together, right side in. Leave at least a 6 inch opening in the center for turning and inserting the pillow form. Using the pillow form end as a template, trace a circle pattern, adding a 1/4 inch seam allowance. (Mine was an 8 inch circle.) Cut out two main fabric circles, two batting circles, two muslin lining circles and two contrast fabric circles. Spray baste two sets of fabric circle sandwiches together. Machine quilt together. Fold the contrast circles in half. cut one quilt batting circle in half. Insert one half of batting in each of the folded fabric circles. Baste the half circles to the quilted circles. These form the pockets. The pockets in this pillow are just quilted half circles. Zig zag the edges of the pillow ends together before sewing to the main fabric. Pin the circles to the main fabric tube, right sides together. Use a number of pins to ensure the curves are smoothly eased together. Take your time to evenly distribute the curves. Sew the circles to the ends. Go slowly, you’ll be sewing over a lot of pins. Clip curves all around the sewn ends. Turn the cover through the center opening. Push the ends out and wiggle the seams back and forth between your fingers until they are smooth. Sew the circle ends to the ends of the quilted main fabric. Insert the cushion form, first one side, then the other. Using strong thread, sew up the opening using a ladder stitch. Ta-da! A study pillow worthy of your very smart student’s head. Students: study hard. Listen to your tunes, and don’t forget the emergency chocolate. That’s why it’s so important quilting a study pillow for college life… Print this page or save as a PDF diagonal seamsfabricflannel fabricpillowpocketsquiltingrulersewingsewing footsewing machinespray bastethreadzigzag stitch FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail Nancy Devine Nancy Devine is a self-confessed craft-crazed blogger. She is a regular contributor to A Needle Pulling Thread Magazine, one of the administrators for The Craft Café, a Facebook page devoted to the international sharing of the creative life, and a curator of an impressive collection of fabrics, notions and seam rippers. In her spare time, she wrangles dust bunnies and writes a blog called Nancy Dee Needleworks. Understandably, her house is a mess. previous post Embroidery Stitches: Let’s Get FANCY! next post Sewing Patterns Free: When is a Quilt a Storage Bag? YOU MAY ALSO LIKE... Odif 808 converts paper into freezer paper for... Create a Four-Leaf Clover Quilt for St. Patrick’s... HeatnBond Fusible Webs: results and insights from a... Mastering fusible web: HeatnBond TIPS for woven fabrics... Master Fusible Web: HeatnBond SOFTSTRETCH Tips for Stretchy... Mastering Fusible Web: types, uses, and essential TIPS What’s the difference between batting, stabilizers, interfacing, and... 7 easy steps to make a scrappy border... The fool-proof way to add borders to your... Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.