Square Peg – Round Hole quilt and the TrueCut System

Happy weekend!

I’m writing this brief note to introduce to you our next week’s posts by one of our very exciting writers, Paul Leger. If you’re a QUILTsocial follower, you probably already know, Paul is a gifted quilt teacher with a strong enthusiasm for organizing quilt retreats of all kinds.

In these posts, Paul will show you how he uses several indispensable cutting tools from the TrueCut System as he makes the brilliant Square Peg – Round Hole quilt. He’ll be using quilting tools like:

TrueCut My Perfect Rotary Cutter, ergonomically designed to make perfect cuts with ease

TrueCut 360º circle cutter, to make perfect fabric circles

TrueCut Rulers that work hand in hand with the rotary cutters so you never stray from the ruler!

TrueCut Grips, keep the ruler fixed to the fabric so there’s no gliding away from where you intend to cut

TrueCut Linear Rotary Blade Sharpener, never have a dull rotary blade ever again!

TrueCut Power Rotary Blade Sharpener, an extraordinary sharpener that not only sharpens the blade but also fixes dents in the blade!

TrueCut rotary cutter so comfortable to use eliminating strain in the wrist. Use together with the TrueCut ruler.

Also in this week’s posts, Paul gives you the instructions to make the Square Peg – Round Hole quilt.

As I was editing Paul’s posts for publication, it felt a little bit like a mystery quilt. Showing a straightforward schematic of the quilt (see it below) in the first post, then leading through the cutting and piecing instructions was quite an adventure. I have to say I wasn’t prepared for the stunning quilt he reveals in his Friday post!

I gasped to see the finished quilt! The Banyan Batiks Lustre collection fabrics and their random arrangement popped right out of the White on White fabrics backdrop.

This is a modern quilt where the squares and circles theme is then brilliantly continued in the negative space through quilting.

Follow us next week! Get your supplies, you’ll be pleasantly surprised!

Enjoy the week ahead!

Banyan Batiks Lustre collection for the Square Peg – Round Hole quilt

Schematic of the Square Peg – Round Hole quilt – you’ll be stunned to see the beautiful finished quilt!

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