PFAFF performance icon Stippling Stitches on the performance icon add whimsy to a baby quilt by Sarah Vanderburgh May 1, 2020 by Sarah Vanderburgh May 1, 2020 This is the last day of the stitching adventure! In yesterday’s post I used Radiant Stitches to add to the modern baby quilt. The story continues today with more built-in stitches on the PFAFF performance icon. Today I need to finish all of the quilting and bind the quilt. Of… FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail
PFAFF performance icon Radiant Stitches on the performance icon add joy to a baby quilt by Sarah Vanderburgh April 30, 2020 by Sarah Vanderburgh April 30, 2020 Now the stitching adventure begins! In yesterday’s post I assembled the modern baby quilt top. The PFAFF performance icon is making quick work of this project and giving me so many opportunities to take creative license with this quilt. Mark the radiant lines To get ready for the radiant stitches… FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail
PFAFF performance icon HSTs and piecing a baby quilt top with PFAFF performance icon by Sarah Vanderburgh April 29, 2020 by Sarah Vanderburgh April 29, 2020 It’s time to put together the modern baby quilt! In yesterday’s post I added floating stitches as I sewed together the rectangle units. The PFAFF performance icon isn’t only full of built-in stitch techniques but is a great machine for precise sewing. Today I’ll sew half-square triangle units and put… FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail
PFAFF performance icon Floating stitches on a modern baby quilt makes all the difference by Sarah Vanderburgh April 28, 2020 by Sarah Vanderburgh April 28, 2020 Today I start exploring one of the stitch techniques on the PFAFF performance icon. In yesterday’s post I gave the fabric requirements and cutting instructions for the modern baby quilt. Today I’ll show the floating stitch technique built into the PFAFF performance icon used in the making of the modern… FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail
PFAFF performance icon This modern baby quilt steals the show! by Sarah Vanderburgh April 27, 2020 by Sarah Vanderburgh April 27, 2020 Baby quilts are a fun and hopeful project. Let’s make one! This week I invite you to go on an adventure into the stitching land of the PFAFF performance icon. My favorite part happens later in the week, but like any adventure, you have to start at the beginning! I… FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail