Yesterday, as I took the time to explore the embroidery mode on the Husqvarna VIKING Designer Quartz 29, I discovered that it’s super easy to get around the different screens! As with all things, the more you do, the easier it becomes.
Today we’ll look at the machines Wi-Fi capabilities and mySewnet Library.
Husqvarna VIKING Designer Quartz 29
As I mentioned earlier in the week, the Designer Quartz 29 is a Wi-Fienabled sewing and embroidery machine, which is impressive for an entry-level machine. This capability will blow you away as we explore the mySewnet ecosystem and the Designer Quartz 29.
The first thing to do is connect to your Wi-Fi, just the same as any other Wi-Fi device in your home.
Use the Settings Menu to connect to the internet
Once connected to the internet, you must sign into your free mySewnet account. If you don’t have an account, you can create one directly on the Designer Quartz 29. All you need is your email address and a password.
I liked using the stylus to sign in. It’s not that the keyboard is small, it just made it faster, and there’s less danger of touching the incorrect keys.
Signing into mySewnet
Once you’re signed in, you can access the Library or the Cloud. As part of the free account, you’ll get 100 MB of storage in the Cloud for designs created on your smart device apps, sent from the Library, the mySewnet Embroidery Software, or the Designer Quartz 29.
In addition, your mySewnet account allows you 2 GB of storage in the Vault. The Vault is a very cool place to store your files, as you can set them up with multiple tags, making it very easy to scroll down to the exact file(s) you want.
A paid subscription to any of the three levels of mySewnet Embroidery Software will give you access to almost 10,000 embroidery designs in the mySewnet Library, a fantastic free bonus. You’ll also have access to the 3,000+ Crafting Files for the Singer Momento, and there’s more great stuff coming! Remember you need to keep your subscription up-to-date to access the Library files.
The mySewnet Ecosystem can be confusing the first time you hear it, so attending a class or having your dealer review it with you is a great idea. These are exhilarating times in the world of sewing and embroidery, so be sure to check it out. You’ll want to be using all the available tools.
The options in mySewnet
Now, here’s the amazing thing. As long as I have a paid subscription to any of the three mySewnet Embroidery Software levels, I can access the Library directly from the Designer Quartz 29. How awesome is that?
By selecting the Library, six of the latest designs loaded into the Library appear on the screen. Of course, I have many options to search by using the filter, which looks like a funnel, in the top right-hand corner.
The most recent files from the mySewnet Library
I can search for designs by size, number of colors in the design, tags or labels for each design, and techniques. i.e. snowflake, snow, snowman, etc.
Since my maximum hoop is 170 by 100, I probably want to include that as a search parameter.
Setting the maximum size parameter
I searched for a maximum size for the 100 by 100 hoop and the tag, snowflake. I got six pages of designs that fit those parameters. It’s easy to scroll through the pages to see what’s there.
Page 1 of 6 with the results from my search parameters
If I want more information about the file, I can select it to see the number of colors and the number of stitches.
More information about a specific Library motif
Once I found a design I liked, I selected it to download into the Embroidery Mode.
The result of my search for a motif from the mySewnet Library
I decided that for what I was making I could put two motifs in the larger hoop and stitch two at a time. This simple exercise made me very comfortable moving between screens. I went into Embroidery Edit to move the motifs into the correct position.
Adding a second snowflake into the larger hoop
Next, I hooped a Tear-A-Way stabilizer and fabric, put a white embroidery thread on top and in the bobbin, and pressed START.
Starting to embroider
As the Designer Quartz 29 stitches, I can see the positioning crosshairs move on the screen, which is neat.
The crosshairs move as the design stitches out
Before I knew it, the snowflakes were complete! That was so easy! I’m going on a sewing retreat in a couple of weeks, and I think I might just take the Designer Quartz 29 with me. I can set it up on my table and let it do some embroidery while I work on other projects. It’s quiet and fast! It’s also lightweight and small so it won’t take up a lot of room.
2 completed snowflakes
I needed 7 of these motifs for my Christmas ornaments so I stitched 3 hoops of 2 snowflakes and debated stitching 2 more, but I only needed 1. Instead, I deleted 1 image and changed the hoop size to 100 by 100, which was excellent practice to ensure that I fully understood the process. Again, it was easy. All it took was moving back and forth between the screens a few times to fully appreciate what I could do and how easy it was.
One snowflake in the 100 by 100 hoop
I hooped the fabric and Tear-A-Way stabilizer into the 100 by 100 hoop and pressed START. Now that I have all 7 motifs complete for my ornaments, I wanted to try other ways of incorporating designs from the mySewnet Ecosystem. I’ll finish at least one of the ornaments and share it with you tomorrow.
I was so excited I cut them apart before photographing them!
The 7 motifs are complete
This time, I went into my Cloud instead of choosing the mySewnet Library on the first screen. Here are some of my designs that aren’t in a folder. Technically, these designs should be moved to the Vault for more permanent storage, and adding tags will make it much easier to find them. As an example, if I have designs from various and multiple sources in the Vault tagged with snow or snowflake, and I put the appropriate tag in the search box, I’ll get everything I have attached those tags to. No more complicated filing systems on the computer!
Designs not in a folder in the mySewnet Cloud
When I log into mySewnet account on the computer, I can access the Library, the Cloud, or the Vault and have the same options to search each. Of course, I have a bigger screen with the computer, but we saw how easy it was to search on the Designer Quartz 29.
Once I find an appropriate design, I can send it directly to the Designer Quartz 29, identified as My Viking Embroidery Machine. If I log into my account on other compatible Wi-Fi-enabled embroidery machines, they will appear on this list. In this instance, I can choose between my laptop, where the design will open up the mySewnet Embroidery Software, or sending it to the Wi-Fi-enabled embroidery machine.
Though it’s not pictured here, I can also send the design to my Cloud. You see, depending on where I am or what I’m doing, I have many options to move designs around.
Options for sending a file from the mySewnet Library
When sending designs to the Designer Quarts 29, ensure that you are in Embroidery Mode. Before the design will load, you’ll receive a message asking if you wish to receive the design. How cool is this!
Pop-up message to receive designs
And there’s the design! I love this and can’t believe this ability is on the Designer Quartz 29, an entry-level embroidery machine!
The embroidery design from the Library is now on the screen
This time, I’ll use mySewnet Embroidery Software on my laptop. As I opened a new window, I could select the hoops for the Designer Quartz 29. As I mentioned earlier, there are three of them.
The hoop list in the mySewnet Embroidery Software
I selected a design from the SuperDesign menu to test out the transfer.
A snowman from the SuperDesigns
In the top right-hand corner of the software screen is a menu accessing all the devices actively connected to the mySewnet Account. That’s quite a list.
Options for sending a file from the mySewnet Embroidery Software on my computer
I got a pop-up message on the computer confirming that the design went to the Designer Quartz 29.
Sending the design from the software to the embroidery machine
There it is on the Embroidery Mode screen on the Designer Quartz 29. Wow! I love this feature! While I can save and retrieve files using a USB, sending them directly is just so easy.
The snowman from the software is now on the screen
There are 2 more things I want to share, and they concern the mySewnet App on your smart device. While I’m stitching, I can check the progress on my phone using the mySewnet App. I’ll find the monitor under Embroidery Options for the embroidery machine I need to watch, as I could have multiple Wi-Fi-enabled machines going simultaneously. Since I’m not always in the room, it’s great being able to check on the stitch-out status.
The Monitor option in the mySewnet app on my smart device
The second neat thing about the mySewnet app is that once you add the Designer Quartz 29 to your list of machines, you can browse the User’s Guide on the app, as well as the Design Booklet. So, all the designs and their related information are accessible even if you are away from the embroidery machine. Wow! You can design and create with these tools from anywhere. I love it!
The User’s Guide and the Design Booklet are available in the mySewnet App
I didn’t have a chance to stitch any additional designs out. Still, I wanted to ensure you appreciated how versatile the mySewnet Ecosystem is for transferring, saving, and retrieving files. The possibilities for creating are endless.
I said before that the hoops are smaller than the larger machines, but the capabilities within the Designer Quarts 29 are fantastic! Seriously, I’ll take the Husqvarna VIKING Designer Quartz 29 to my retreat to complete some long-overdue embroidery!
Be sure to come tomorrow as I share my completed ornament with you, and check out a couple more features in Sewing Mode.
Have a super day!
This is part 4 of 5 in this series
Go back to part 3: Designer Quartz 29 | Getting to know the machine embroidery capabilities
Go to part 5: Master easy buttonholes with HV Designer Quartz 29