It’s Friday, and that means our Half Rectangle Triangle journey for this week is almost over. Yesterday I showed the pressing and sewing process to bring the Modern Half Rectangle Triangle to its quilt top completion. Today I’ll demonstrate the sandwiching and quilting process with Odif 505 Temporary Quilt Basting Adhesive Fabric Spray, Fairfield Quilter’s 80/20 Quilt Batting, SCHMETZ Machine Quilting Needles and Gütermann Cotton Thread. I also want to show you some exciting, alternate layout arrangements for this Half Rectangle Triangle (HRT) pattern. Maybe I can inspire quilters to try their own experimentation with HRTs?
Sandwiching the Modern Half Rectangle Triangle Table Runner
Sew the backing together (I used two fat quarters). You can use yardage – you’ll need a piece approximately 14″ x 36″. Make sure you have about 2″ extra lengthwise and widthwise for quilting spread.
Step 2
Cut a piece of batting 14″ x 36″.
Step 3
Tape the backing right side down against a hard surface, such as a floor or large table, so it’s flat (but not taught).
Backing of table runner is taped right side down against a flat surface.
Step 4
Spray the backing lightly with Odif 505 Temporary Quilt Basting Adhesive Fabric Spray. I personally love the spray baste method and have used it for many years. This is the method I currently use for all the quilts I sew on my domestic sewing machine.
Lightly spray the wrong side of the quilt backing with quilt basting spray.
Step 5
Roll up both the batting and quilt top (wrong side out); set the quilt top aside. Lay the rolled batting on top of the table runner. Roll out and smooth the batting on top of the backing with your hands.
Note: The batting and backing layer may not match in size; just ensure it fits the table runner top with 1“ room on all sides to spare.
Batting rolled and ready to be spread on spray basted backing fabric.
Step 6
Spray the batting lightly with quilt basting spray.
Lightly spray baste the batting layer.
Step 7
Place the previously rolled table runner wrong side down on top of the batting layer at one end. Roll it out and spread evenly and smoothly on batting layer.
Quilt top laid on top of basted batting, ready to roll out.
Quilt top all rolled out and smooth, ready for quilting.
Quilting the Table Runner
I quilted the table runner using 12wt machine quilting thread, a size 90 machine quilting needle, a free motion foot, and with the feed dogs down. I wanted the quilting to show with a simple meander stitch. The purpose of such a simple stitch is to get the job done and focus on showing off the beautiful Fabric Creations Cotton Fabric.
The pattern for this table runner is repetitive. Often for smaller projects with repetitive patterns, I opt for a simple quilt pattern that will enhance the fabric and flatten out the project so it can lie nicely on a table.
Ready for quilting with glasses, thread, machine needles and quilting gloves.
The quilting is completed with a simple meander stitch.
I squared up the quilt and used the darkest coral/red color for binding. Need help to learn how to bind? Feel free to download my free step-by-step PDF printable Quilt Binding Tutorial.
Quilt binding is finished, and the Modern Half Rectangle Triangle Table Runner is complete.
If you’re interested in trying Half Rectangle Triangles in other quilt layouts, here are some alternate ideas:
Queen-sized 84″ x 88″ quilt design made using the same layout as the Modern Half Rectangle Triangle Table Runner
The quilt below is a modern offset design. Leave the surrounding area white to make it even more modern and quilt it with simple lines (the black lines are design lines showing the block spaces and they can be ignored).
A queen-sized 84″ x 88″ quilt with offset Half Rectangle Triangle blocks.
The quilt below shows an alternating block layout. As you can see, the sky’s the limit with HRT block designs!
A queen-size 84″ x 88″ quilt with an alternating HRT design.
I know I could go on for days with this design, and using fantastic quilting notions like Odif 505 Temporary Quilt Basting Adhesive Fabric Spray, Fairfield Quilter’s 80/20 Quilt Batting, SCHMETZ Machine Quilting Needles and Gütermann Cotton Thread make it so easy! But we’re at the end of the week, and the end of this Half Rectangle Triangle series. I hope you’ve enjoyed it, and I hope you’re inspired.
Have a wonderful weekend, stay safe, and sew happy!