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Do up a denim quilt block the right way

by Jackie White

Are you ready to do up a denim quilt block in style? This post will show you how to make a quilt block with cotton and denim the right way.

The denim block is a 5” square that has a cotton wave going through it. Here’s how to incorporate quilting cotton within a denim block.

Denim quilt block with cotton wave in middle.

Denim quilt block with cotton wave in middle.

Start with a 5 1/2” denim square and made a gentle wave cut through it.

Cut a denim square in half with a gentle wave shape.

Cut a denim square in half with a gentle wave shape.

Put a 2” x 5 1/2” solid colored cotton fabric strip under one piece of the denim and follow the wave to cut out the cotton piece. Right sides together stitch the cotton fabric to the one denim piece along the wave cut.

Remember to use your denim needle and slowly feed the fabric through easing the curves along as discussed in yesterday’s post.

Then press to the cotton side so the denim lays flat.

Right sides facing up, lay the wavy edge of the remaining piece of denim on the cotton so to leave a ¾” to 1” width piece of cotton showing. Cut out the wave from the cotton using the wave in the denim piece as a guide. With right sides together sew the remaining denim piece to the cotton.

Press towards the cotton. Trim to a 5” block.

Denim block with cotton wave following same line as other piece of denim.

Denim block with cotton wave following same line as other piece of denim.

Finished denim quilt block with cotton wave running through it.

Finished denim quilt block with cotton wave running through it.

Imagine if you made a bunch of these blocks and turned them into a quilt? Remember denim is heavier than cotton fabric so you don’t need a heavy batting in the middle. Try a bamboo batting or flannel works wonderful as the batting as well. When quilting considering putting the walking foot on and off you go!

Here’s a sample using different shades of denim and solid colored cotton fabric.

Sample pattern of denim quilt.

Sample pattern of denim quilt.

Don’t delay, start doing up some denim quilt blocks today and see how much fun you have! Join me tomorrow for more quilting fun with denim.

4 denim quilt blocks made with cotton wave strip in middle.

4 denim quilt blocks made with cotton wave strip in middle.


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