2 disappearing 9 patch blocks make 1 modern table runner by Jean Boyd September 20, 2019 written by Jean Boyd September 20, 2019 8.3K Yesterday you learned how to finish up a stylish tote bag made from Banyan Batiks Intaglio fabric. Today I’ll use the same fabrics and the same disappearing nine patch technique to create a modern table runner. Let’s get started! As with the previous projects this week, start by making a Nine Patch Block using 7½” squares of 9 different fabrics from the Intaglio and coordinating Shadows fabrics. Make a second block, arranging the colors in a different order. Make 2 nine patch blocks with 7½” squares from Banyan Batiks Intaglio and Shadows. Make 4 – 45° diagonal cuts through each nine patch block. An easy way to do this is to place the 45° line on your ruler along one of the seam lines and then cut the strip. The strips don’t have to be the same width, so you can just go ahead and cut the strips or you can draw a guideline first. Place 45° ruler line on a seam line to determine the cutting angle. Make 4 diagonal cuts in each nine patch block. Rearrange the strips to create your own original design. I like to use a design wall for this step. You might find that one or two of the strips are too short, but you’ll have extra fabric that you can join on to the end of the strip. You can see on my strip arrangement that the 3rd strip down was too short, so I just sewed on another piece. Rearrange the strips to create your own design. Now you need some contrasting fabric to go between the strips. I tried a couple of versions – a light gray Shadows fabric and a solid black Northcott ColorWorks fabric. The Intaglio fabric is quite busy, so I chose the solid black ColorWorks to make a nice contrast. ColorWorks comes in dozens of colors and there are even 2 different blacks – black and ultra black! Cut strips 1¼” x WOF. Sew the strips between the rows. Press seams toward black. Make sure to leave an extra couple of inches of black at the beginning and end of each row. You’ll need this extra when you come to square-up the block. Sew black strips between each row. Square up the edges of the runner. Mine ended up being 17½” x 36″. Yours may be a different size, depending on how you arrange the rows. Square up the edges. Now it’s all ready to quilt and bind. For binding I like to cut strips 3″ wide for a ½” finished binding. If you have a favorite width you like to use for binding, just go ahead and use that. For my favorite way to make and sew on the binding, check out my previous QUILTsocial post, Change up the way you make your quilt binding. Who would have thought that 2 nine patch blocks could ‘disappear’ and turn into this modern table runner! The disappearing nine patch runner isn’t quilted yet, but I couldn’t resist having a look at it on my table! I hope you’ve enjoyed using the Banyan Batiks Intaglio fabrics this week. If you’re ready to start making more projects with Intaglio fabrics, there’s a free download pattern on the Northcott website. And remember to click the Product Finder Button on the Northcott site to find out which shops have your favorite Banyan Batiks. There are more fabrics being added to the Banyan Batiks collection all the time. Be sure to visit the Banyan Batiks website to see all the newest fabrics. On each fabric page on the Northcott site, you’ll also see a button that says Download Fabric Files. If you’re using a quilt design program such as Electric Quilt, you can click on that button to download the fabrics for your program. Make sure you check out the Banyan Batiks essentials as well. These basics come in many colors and styles and they’re great blenders to use with all the fabric collections. Look for the very newest Banyan Batiks fabrics from Northcott. These fabrics will be arriving in quilt shops in the very near future. Enjoy! This is part 5 of 5 in this series. Go back to part 4: Banyan Batiks Intaglio fabric is perfect for this quilted tote bag Print this page or save as a PDF 0qs277accessoriesBanyan Batiksfabricfree patternsIntaglionine patch blockplacematsquilt blocksShadowswallhangings FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail Jean Boyd Jean has been designing and publishing patterns since 1997. For the past several years she has been designing patterns for new fabric collections by Northcott Fabrics. Her work has been published in several magazines in both Canada and the United States. Jean holds a Fiber Arts Certificate in quilting and has taught extensively throughout Canada, including six national Quilt Canada conferences. She was named "Canadian Teacher of the Year" in 2003 by the Canadian Quilters Association and has won numerous awards for her quilts. previous post Banyan Batiks Intaglio fabric is perfect for this quilted tote bag next post Quilting with the Husqvarna Viking HUSKYLOCK s25 serger YOU MAY ALSO LIKE... QUILTsocial Giveaway 288: Jungle Rose 12-Fat Quarter Fabric... Get your Banyan Batiks Baralla, we’re making a... QUILTsocial Giveaway 284: Baralla 12-Fat Quarter Fabric Bundle! 5 tips to create the best ever quilt... The secret to modern quilting using the straight... How a short stitch, in quilting, can save... How to choose a quilt design for fabric... Falling in love with Banyan Batiks Kayana autumn... Banyan Batiks Kayana Autumn fabric steals the fall... 17 comments Jeanne Baron August 3, 2023 - 10:59 pm I love all these designs from 4 patch and 9 patch Keep them coming. Reply Jean Boyd August 4, 2023 - 7:48 am Thanks Jeanne. Glad you liked these projects. Reply Jeri Wiedemann March 2, 2023 - 3:17 pm I have finally found the spot to print a pdf of this pattern. I must have gone through this pattern at least a dozen times, and now, I have found it. The only thing I need to know is if it’s okay for me to print and share this with my group. Reply Carla A. Canonico March 6, 2023 - 2:06 pm Hi Jeri, it is okay to share it provided you’re not charging for the pattern, and I really appreciate you letting members of your group know it’s from QUILTsocial and designed by Jean Boyd. Perhaps you might encourage them to sign up to our free Qs Newsletter for all the latest. Thank you so much for asking Jeri!! Enjoy Reply Jeri Wiedemann March 2, 2023 - 1:07 pm Is there a printable version of this pattern? I love it and am considering sharing it with a small group of sewists that are quilters as well. I hope that it is okay for me to share this with them. When we meet, we take turns doing a program and this month is my month. We have between 10 and 12 members and call ourselves the Sewing Sisters. Reply Jean Boyd March 2, 2023 - 1:31 pm There is not a printable pattern other than what appears in this QUILTsocial blog post. But you are welcome to share it with your group. Reply Maureen January 29, 2022 - 10:22 am Am I correct in understanding that each square in a nine patch is a 7 1/2″-in square? I want to try this out but I want to make sure I’ve got that right. I love this runner. I need to make some runners for our church Bazaar in the fall so I want to make sure I’m starting out right when I Start cutting. Reply Jean Boyd February 1, 2022 - 5:09 pm Yes, you are right. Each square is 7 1/2″. Good luck with your projects! Reply Kathy October 14, 2021 - 11:56 pm Luv the nine patch pattern. Still trying to understand how I reached this site though. I see the name of the site so am going to try typing that to see if I can find the pattern or some more info on it. Reply Jean Boyd October 15, 2021 - 5:19 am The QUILTsocial blog is published Monday to Friday every week. The address is QUILTsocial.com You can search on the site to find the pattern you are looking for. Glad you found us! Reply Justine Barnard April 24, 2021 - 12:55 pm Dear Jean Hi I would love to share your Disappearing 9 Patch Modern Table Runner (Nov. 2019) as a project for my guild Peninsula Quilters SanMateo Ca next weekend. I will give you full credit. I have made several and I love your technique. Thanks for your directions. They are clear illustrations are self explanatory and easy to follow. I am so glad I stumbled upon this on Pinterest! Justine Barnard Reply Jean Boyd April 24, 2021 - 5:12 pm Hi Justine. Thanks for asking for permission! You are welcome to share this project with your group. I believe you have heard from our editor, Carla, and she will be sending you more information. Jean Boyd PatternsByJeanBoyd.com Reply NANCY November 10, 2019 - 10:12 pm Love these designs. Simply beautiful. Reply Jean Boyd November 11, 2019 - 7:25 am Thanks Nancy. Glad you liked this QUILTsocial blog post! Reply Jannette B. October 10, 2019 - 8:47 pm I love the D9P patternfor charity quilts – but this project takes it SO much farther! I think that I may have just found my new go-to table runner / bridal shower gift! Reply Jean Boyd October 10, 2019 - 9:11 pm Thanks Jannette. Glad you like it! Reply Marjorie September 23, 2019 - 2:33 pm Great pattern! Who would ever think it started as a nine patch. Reply Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.