7 easy steps to make inside pockets for the tote bag

Stitch-N-Steam for making texturized fabric

Today I’ll show you how to make the inside pockets and sew the outside of the tote bag together. You’re well on your way to finishing this bag with an outside pocket made of unique texturized fabric!

Tote bag with texturized fabric for outside pockets

Inside Pockets (make 2)

  • Fold one 7½” x 18″ rectangle in half, right sides together, to make a 7½” x 9″ rectangle
  • Using a ¼” seam, stitch the 2 long sides of the pocket.
  • Turn pocket right sides out. Press.

Inside pocket for tote bag

  • Center the pocket on the wrong side of a 16″ square. Have the 7″ raw edge of the pocket 2″ above the raw edge of the 16″ square.
  • Stitch across the raw edge of the pocket using a ¼” seam.

Place inside pocket on wrong side of tote bag front.

  • Flip the pocket up on the 16″ square. Press.
  • Machine stitch the long edges of the pocket in place.

Top-stitch inside pocket in place.

  • Make another pocket in the same way for the other side of the bag. The stitching lines on the front of the tote will be covered up by the handles.

 Finishing the Outside of the Tote

  • Center 1 outside pocket on the front of each 16″ square.
  • Machine baste the pockets in place.
  • Fold under ½” on the top of each 16″ square. Press.
  • Fold over again so you have a double-fold ½” hem. Press. Don’t stitch this top hem yet.

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Fold over top edge to make a double-fold ½” hem.

Come back tomorrow and I’ll show you how to add the handles and finish the tote bag. Your friends will be amazed to see how you used Stitch-N-Steam to create these attractive texturized fabric pockets!

Finished tote bag

This is part 2 of 5 in this series.
Go back to part 1: The magic of Stitch-N-Steam continues

Go to part 3: The finishing touches for an attractive tote bag

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