Yesterday I introduced you to just a few of the many wonderful features on the Brother ScanNCut SDX225 electronic cutting machine.
Now let’s get started making this Welcome banner using the Brother ScanNCut to cut all the applique shapes. As an added bonus, I’ll also show you how to make a greeting card using the same design. All the shapes required for this project are built right into the machine!
Let’s start with the word Welcome
- From the home screen, use either the stylus or your finger and choose Pattern.
- Select the pattern category that says Smile Create.
- Then choose Bon Voyage. This will bring up a menu of many different sayings, arranged alphabetically.
- Select Welcome!
Now you’ll see the word Welcome! on your screen along with the default size. This can be changed to any size you need using the + and – keys. For this project, you need to change the width to 11″. The height will change automatically.
- Touch the set key. This will take you back to this mat layout screen.
- Touch add. This will allow you to add another pattern to the screen.
Add the boat design
- Touch the second pattern category – it looks like the Eiffel tower. This brings up another large selection of designs.
- Choose the one that has the boat and bicycle.
- Then select the sailboat and press OK.
- This will bring up the screen that shows all the individual parts of the boat plus a black and white picture of the sailboat. Choose black and white design.
- Then touch OK and Set.
- Now you can see both Welcome! and the sailboat on the screen.
- Using the stylus, select the boat image. A red box appears around it.
- Use the stylus to drag the boat to the bottom of the screen.
- Select edit – object edit.
- Now you’ll see another screen with multiple options for editing the selected object.
- Select the top-left button with the 2 way arrow.
- Use the + key to make the boat 7.51″ high. The width will adjust automatically.
- Press OK.
This next step is very important
- In order to cut all the individual pieces of the boat, you must ungroup the design. This button is on the lower left side of the edit screen.
- When you press this button, you’ll see that each section of the boat has red lines around it. That means that each part can be manipulated and cut separately and you can use different fabrics for each part.
- Click OK, OK again and then Save.
- Now you have another choice! You can save your design to the ScanNCut, your computer or a USB stick. For now, let’s save to the ScanNCut SDX225 by pressing the scanner icon.
- Press the home key and you’ll get a message that says OK to delete all patterns? Press OK because you’ve already saved the design.
That’s a lot of information for one day but if you have some spare time, be sure to watch some of the videos by Julie Fei-Fan Balzer and Alanda Craft. They’re full of very good information about all the features of the ScanNCut SDX225.
Please come back tomorrow and we’ll actually cut all the pieces for the Welcome quilt using the amazing Brother ScanNCut SDX225!