Making May Flowers wallhanging bloom with heirloom applique stitches by Tania Denyer May 8, 2019 written by Tania Denyer May 8, 2019 847 Yesterday we prepared our applique pieces with Banyan Batiks Floral Boxes. Today we applique! The first step is to prepare a piece of backing fabric at 26″ square. The design is for a 24″ square ‘quiltlet’. Next, add a 26″ square of cotton batting. Finally add your background fabric, also measuring 26″ square. Smooth your quilt sandwich and ensure there are no folds or ripples on the backing. Arranging your applique flower design Next, create the complete arrangement on the backing. Take a photo to help you remember how you made your composition. I didn’t remember this and my final piece was composed slightly differently than the pattern picture but I encourage you to make this design your own and arrange the flowers and leaves as you please! This is the order for your applique and your stitching. A diagram of the order of applique Once you’re happy with your composition and you’ve taken a photo, carefully remove the flowers and leaves. Pin the stems in place with a few pins. Leave the vase where it is as you pin the stems to make sure they do not shift out of the top of the vase. When you have pinned the stems, you can remove the vase and set it aside with the flowers and leaves. Next take your quilt to the ironing board and fuse the remainder of the applique in the following order: Large red flowers Vase Smaller blue flowers Leaves Yellow centers Select a simple decorative stitch and thread your machine with a coordinating thread. I encourage you to test the stitch before working on your wallhanging. This process allows you to quilt and applique your project at the same time. I chose a simple heirloom style pattern that looks like cross stitching. Close up of the heirloom style cross stitch decorative stitching Stitch each applique in the order listed above, i.e. the same order you added the appliques. After stitching each applique, make sure to smooth and prepare the quilt top for the next round of stitching. Take your time and enjoy the process. The Banyan Batiks Floral Boxes collection are starting to bloom with the addition of adorable applique stitches! Tomorrow we add some background quilting! Applique is all done! This is part 3 of 5 in this series. Go back to part 2: Sowing the seeds of the quilted May Flowers wallhanging Go to part 4: Let’s try modern machine quilting! [shareaholic app=”follow_buttons” id=”23735596″] Print this page or save as a PDF 0qs258Banyan Batiksfabricsfloral boxesfree patternswallhangings FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail Tania Denyer Tania has been a quilty creator for over 20 years. She loves to make quirky quilts ranging from a bowl of ramen to a Christmas turkey or a fruitcake. She has not yet found a subject that she wouldn't like to see rendered as a quilt. Her current focus is on food quilts and her work has been featured in magazines such as Cottage Life, Make Modern, Gastro Obscura and SBS (a food network in Australia). Her creative interests also include illustration, painting, and crocheting. There is nothing she likes better than to try something new. Tania believes curiosity in all things is key to a creative life. previous post Sowing the seeds of the quilted May Flowers wallhanging next post Let’s try modern machine quilting! YOU MAY ALSO LIKE... QUILTsocial Giveaway 288: Jungle Rose 12-Fat Quarter Fabric... Get your Banyan Batiks Baralla, we’re making a... QUILTsocial Giveaway 284: Baralla 12-Fat Quarter Fabric Bundle! 5 tips to create the best ever quilt... The secret to modern quilting using the straight... How a short stitch, in quilting, can save... How to choose a quilt design for fabric... Falling in love with Banyan Batiks Kayana autumn... Banyan Batiks Kayana Autumn fabric steals the fall... Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.