Razzle and Dazzle threads add bling to your punchneedle embroidery by Christine Baker June 29, 2017 written by Christine Baker June 29, 2017 873 Yesterday on QUILTsocial I showed you how to do bobbin work using Dazzle thread from WonderFil. I loved how the bobbin work turned out using the shimmery Dazzle thread AND how I could put my free-motion quilting skills to use to embroider a beautiful butterfly design on the crazy quilt base. Today we’re going “sewing machine free” and I’m going to try out these threads for one of my favorite hand stitching techniques – punchneedle embroidery. WonderFil threads I’ve done A LOT of punchneedle embroidery but I almost exclusively use embroidery thread. I’ve designed many patterns, had lots of projects in different magazines and have written my own pattern book called“Fresh and Fun Punchneedle”. I’ve had quite a few punchneedle projects in A Needle Pulling Thread magazine too – a few of them are available as pattern downloads on their website: Christine Baker Archives – ANPTmag Polka Dot Dog punchneedle pattern. Seven years ago, I added a series of videos to YouTube which explain how to prepare your fabric design, how to thread the punchneedle and how to do the basic punchneedle stitch. I’ll add links to each of these videos throughout today’s post. Supplies To do punchneedle embroidery you only need a few supplies. This makes it a great technique for summer stitching on a trip, at your cottage or on your back deck! Basically you need: fabric such as weaver’s cloth an embroidery hoop a punchneedle a threader small, sharp scissors thread, such as embroidery floss, perle cotton or Razzle and Dazzle thread from WonderFil That’s it! No machine, no electricity! Video 1 Punchneedle Supplies – YouTube In this video Christine Baker – Fairfield Road Designs – reviews the supplies needed to do punchneedle embroidery. Visit Christine’s website at www.fairfield… Transferring your design Once you have your design chosen, you need to transfer it to your weaver’s cloth. The cloth is quite easy to see through, so I just put it over top of my design and trace it with a fine tip marker or mechanical pencil. Design drawn on weaver’s cloth Video 2 Punchneedle Embroidery – Preparing the Fabric – YouTube In this video, Christine Baker shows you how to prepare your weaver’s cloth to do punchneedle embroidery. See all of Christine’s patterns and punchneedle sup… Threading the punchneedle There’s virtually NO WAY to thread a punchneedle without using a threader! So make sure you have a spare, because if you lose or break it, you’ll be out of business! But luckily, using the threader is super easy – just check out my video: Video 3 Punchneedle embroidery – Threading the needle – YouTube Christine Baker of Fairfield Road Designs shows you how to thread a Cameo Ultra-Punch punchneedle Here’s my punchneedle, all threaded and ready to stitch! Punchneedle threaded with Dazzle thread Helpful hint: Since we’re using the Dazzle thread on a spool, it helps to put the spool in a mug to keep it from rolling away while you’re stitching. The thread in a mug Stitching The puchneedle stitch is very simple and with a little practice, easy for almost anyone to master! Watch my little video to see how you go about stitching with the punchneedle. Video 4 Punchneedle embroidery stitching – YouTube In this video, Christine Baker demonstrates how to do the punchneedle embroidery stitch with the Cameo Ultrapunch punchneedle. Here’s what the first stitches look like from the BACK of the punchneedle embroidery. Remember, you’re working from the back, so don’t get too discouraged if it doesn’t look all that great at first. The first punchneedle stitches – look at those sparkles! Even from the back of the fabric. Here’s the front, with just the outline of one flower finished. I LOVE how the Dazzle thread looks! That little glimmer of metallic thread is so different from what I typically use to do my punchneedle stitching. I can’t wait to see what the embroidery piece looks like when I’m all done! The front of the punchneedle piece The back of the punchneedle piece shows how the lines of stitching are placed a needle’s width apart. On the front of the piece, the threads fluff out and take up more room, so you can’t tell that the lines aren’t right beside eachother. The back of the piece Here’s my collection of Razzle and Dazzle threads!! My friend Jean Boyd made me this wonderful sewing bag a couple of years ago for our quilting group’s Christmas exchange. I just love how I can see all of the colors that I have through the clear pockets! My collection of Razzle and Dazzle threads So, I’m going to sit out here on my back deck and keep on stitching. Another great thing about punchneedle is that it doesn’t take long to stitch a small piece, so tomorrow I’ll have the embroidery done and I’ll show you a couple of different ways that I incorporate my punchneedle pieces into quilted projects. This is part 4 of 5 in this series. Go back to part 3: Razzle and Dazzle threads make bobbin work spectacular Print this page or save as a PDF 0qs161bpunchneedlerazzle and dazzle threadswonderfil threads FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail Christine Baker I have been designing and publishing quilt patterns for the last 16 years under the business name Fairfield Road Designs. My patterns range from fusible applique and piecing to felted wool applique and punchneedle. You can see all of patterns on my website www.fairfieldroaddesigns.com. previous post How to test the ¼” quilting foot for accuracy on any sewing machine! next post 4 tips for machine applique success every time! YOU MAY ALSO LIKE... Why DecoBob isn’t your average bobbin thread Use Silco thread to add more punch to... When your quilting calls for threads to be... 1 foolproof method for perfect, smooth and clean... Why WonderFil Tutti thread is so good for... How Accent, Mirage and Spagetti threads highlight appliqued... 1 easy way to add a quilt binding,... Using combinations of 100wt, 80wt, 50wt, 12wt threads... Why using Invisafil thread is best for adding... Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.