Husqvarna Viking DESIGNER EPIC Essential finishing tips for the Vintage-look Art Quilt by Elaine Theriault December 1, 2017 by Elaine Theriault December 1, 2017 Welcome back! It’s already the end of the week and where did the time go? Today we’re going to finish up the vintage looking art piece that I started yesterday. I’ll be using some of the great features of the Husqvarna Viking Designer EPIC to finish off the piece. Let’s… FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail
Husqvarna Viking DESIGNER TOPAZ 50 Highlights of the Husqvarna Viking Designer Topaz 50 sewing machine by Elaine Theriault May 22, 2017 by Elaine Theriault May 22, 2017 Hello everyone and welcome back to another exciting week at QUILTsocial. This week, I’m taking the Husqvarna Viking Designer Topaz 50 sewing machine for a test run. I’ll be looking at some of the features of the sewing machine. I’ll also be passing along some cool sewing tips and there’s a… FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail
Husqvarna Viking SAPPHIRE 965Q A clever way to raw-edge applique using dimensional stitches by Elaine Theriault March 21, 2017 by Elaine Theriault March 21, 2017 Welcome back. Yesterday we made buttonholes and sewed the buttons on my sewing machine. Did you try making a buttonhole? How about sewing on a button? Today, I’m going to try out a new feature on the Husqvarna VIKING Sapphire 965Q. I’ll be exploring the Dimensional Stitches. Essentially, it’s a… FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail
Husqvarna Viking SAPPHIRE 965Q Physical features of the Husqvarna Viking Sapphire 965Q by Elaine Theriault January 23, 2017 by Elaine Theriault January 23, 2017 Welcome back to another week of fun with the Husqvarna Viking sewing machines. This week, we’ll be taking a look at the Husqvarna Viking Sapphire 965Q. Another awesome sewing machine packed with super features. Let’s get started! Physical Features The Sapphire 965Q has an Interactive Color Touch Screen where all… FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail
Husqvarna Viking H|CLASS 100Q Summer Quilting by Elaine Theriault June 2, 2014 by Elaine Theriault June 2, 2014 Ahh…summer is almost here, which makes me think of travel and holiday plans! This year I’d really like to take my sewing machine with me, but the ones I have are not ideal for ‘taking along’. I came about this little treasure of a sewing machine that will make it… FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail