XP2 and its optional wide table for piecing and quilting

Yesterday I talked about how the accurate ¼” piecing feature and the automatic height adjustment features on the new Brother Luminaire XP2, are a helping hand when piecing quilt blocks.

It’s time to assemble the blocks into a wall hanging, but before I do, I’ll change out the accessory unit that comes with the Luminaire XP2 for the optional wide table. I love having the extra work surface the wide table provides, for piecing and when I’m quilting my quilts. The wide table enhances the use of the wide 5″ x 13″ arm to needle space of the XP2.

The Luminaire XP2

1. With right sides together stitch a separating border strip to the top and bottom of the applique block.

2. With right sides together stitch a pieced block to the top and the bottom of your applique block.

3. Use the guideline marker we talked about yesterday to assist you with achieving an accurate seam allowance.

Assembled wall hanging

Join me tomorrow when I add decorative stitches to this adorable wall hanging and then… quilt it!

This is part 3 of 5 in this series

Go back to part 2: Precision piecing made easy on the Brother Luminaire XP2

Go to part 4: Audition decorative stitches before stitching on the Brother Luminaire XP2

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