Dresden Delight quilt block is perfect for summer by Carla A. Canonico July 17, 2019 written by Carla A. Canonico July 17, 2019 1.1K Quilting for baby is one of the most common reasons we pick up quilting as a hobby, and yesterday’s quilting project, Tummy Time Mat is certainly one of those baby essentials that are enhanced by art of quilting. I have a bright and inspiring sewing project for you today designed by Linda Turner Griepentrog, called Dresden Delight. She originally made it for a cushion cover, but if you love the Dresden plate design you can make several of these blocks to make a quilt. For piecing the Dresden pieces use Coats® Cotton Covered Piecing and Quilting Thread, and construct the cushion cover using Coats Dual Duty XP® Heavy Thread. Coats® Cotton Covered Piecing and Quilting Thread has the feel and look of cotton with the strength of polyester. Coats Dual Duty XP® Heavy offers consistent tension and excellent stitch formation. This heavyweight thread is smooth, very strong, colorfast and weather resistant. Excellent for interior and exterior upholstery fabrics. Coats Dual Duty XP Heavy offers consistent tension and excellent stitch formation. This heavyweight thread is smooth, very strong, colorfast and weather resistant. Excellent for interior and exterior upholstery fabrics. Coats Cotton Covered Piecing & Quilting Thread – The feel and look of cotton with the strength of polyester. Featuring coats Dual Duty XP, Linda says the classic Dresden Plate design is the perfect embellishment for this bright and cheery pillow. The scrappy look and button accents make it ideal for stash utilization, as both components can be totally an eclectic mix. Dresden Delight cushion cover, the star of today’s post skill level Experienced Beginner finished measurements 14″ square materials Coats® Cotton Covered Piecing and Quilting thread, to match background and fabric Coats Dual Duty XP® Heavy coordinate with fabric color assorted scraps or (5) 1⁄8 yd cuts of fabric for wedges ¼ yd or scrap fabric for Dresden center 19 assorted buttons in coordinating colors ½ yd ecru print background fabric ½ yd cotton batting 6” square lightweight fusible interfacing 14” square pillow form 2 yds ready-made piping plastic template material zipper foot preparation Trace the wedge and circle patterns onto template material and cut out. cutting From the assorted scraps or 1⁄8 yd cuts, cut: (20) wedges From the ecru background fabric, cut: (2) squares, 14½” From the batting, cut: (1) square, 15” Note: Seam allowances are ¼”. Preparing the Dresden Plate Fold each wedge right sides together and sew across the large flat end. Finger-press the seams open. Turn the point right side out and center the seam exactly. Press the point flat. Matching the upper edges, sew the wedge long edges together in pairs, then in groups of five. Press all seams open. Sew the wedge groups together to form a circle. Fold one ecru square in half and in half again and lightly press the folds to mark the center and quarter points. Repeat for the Dresden circle. Matching quarter points, center the Dresden circle over the background square and pin in place. Using coordinating thread, sew the outer Dresden points to the background square. To prepare the center, place the Dresden center circle right sides down on the fusible side of the interfacing square. Sew around the circle edges and trim the interfacing to match the circle. Carefully cut away the center of the interfacing layer only, leaving ½” of fusible interfacing intact around the circle edges. Turn the interfacing to the wrong side of the circle and finger-press the edges. Center the circle over the Dresden circle and press in place, tucking the interfacing under at the edges. Edgestitch around the circle. Quilting the Pillow Top Layer the pillow front over the batting square. Using matching thread, sew three circles around the Dresden plate, about ⅛” apart. Bring the thread ends to the underside and tie off. Position the assorted buttons between the wedge points and hand-stitch using Heavy Thread to attach. Trim the batting to match the pillow front size. Finishing the Pillow Baste the piping to the pillow edges, clipping corners to turn and overlapping the joining ends. With right sides together, layer the pillow front and back squares, matching the edges. Using a zipper foot, sew around three sides of the pillow and 1” around the corners onto the fourth side, but leave the remainder of the fourth side open for stuffing. Stitch as close to the piping cord as possible, using a left needle position if your machine has it. Trim the corners to reduce bulk and turn the pillow right side out. Gently poke out the corners. Insert the pillow form, pushing it all the way into the corners. Hand-stitch the opening closed. Click to download PDF – Dresden Plate Templates Join me tomorrow for another quilted project by the creative team at Coats & Clark using the versatile Coats Dual Duty XP All Purpose Thread. This is part 3 of 5 in this series. Go back to part 2: Quilting for baby – Tummy Time Mat Go to part 4: Thinking of fall, a quilted Halloween Runner [shareaholic app=”follow_buttons” id=”23735596″] Print this page or save as a PDF 0qs268CoatsDual Duty XPfree patternsthreadswallhanging FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinRedditWhatsappTelegramEmail Carla A. Canonico Carla A. Canonico is the Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of A Needle Pulling Thread Magazine, QUILTsocial.com, and KNITmuch.com. previous post Quilting for baby – Tummy Time Mat next post Thinking of fall, a quilted Halloween Runner YOU MAY ALSO LIKE... 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