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Spectrum QAL Block 8 with Pam Voth: Delightful Collection by Riley Blake

by Pam Voth

I’m Pam Voth, and I’m back with Block 8 of the Spectrum QAL on QUILTsocial. I’m completing my blocks using fabric from the Delightful Collection by Riley Blake.

The half-square triangle pinwheel design in the center square and the addition of the square to the flying geese give Block 8 a unique design.

Pam’s version of Block 8 from the Spectrum QAL

Block 8 features a pinwheel design in the center. It’s created using half-square triangles and I made sure that the design was bold by using some strong contrasting colors from my collection. I assembled the center square in three rows and featured a dark fabric only in the center to really highlight the pinwheel shape. This is my favorite block so far. I really enjoyed creating the pinwheel and I would use this block to create a quilt of pinwheels. Using different sized half-square triangles, you can design your own quilt.  Designing something yourself might feel daunting at first but, when I’m working with my quilting groups, we’re always putting our own spin on patterns and designs that we’re trying. One member of our group, Heather, is designing her own quilt – no pattern – just her experience as a quilter, her understanding of various techniques, and her creativity with color when putting her fabrics together. You don’t have to wait to be an experienced quilter to try, you just need some courage!!

I really admired the design of the flying geese with the added block. It was such a straight forward way to add a block by using two sets of triangles. My quilting group has now added this to our repertoire and I am sure we will be adding this to our designs – something that looks really difficult but, actually isn’t and who doesn’t want to learn something like that. I feel that this is a great lesson not only for quilting but, for life. Uncomplicate your designs – elegance is often found in simplicity and you don’t always need expensive fabrics or equipment to create something beautiful. So, find a good stash buster and declutter your sewing room by creating beautiful designs using all the techniques you are learning in this QAL.  

So, please take the time to connect with me, and share your version of Block 8 by posting it with #TheSewGoesOn. Be sure to check out my version of the Spectrum QAL Block 7 as well.

Claire’s Block 8

Paul’s Block 8

Elaine’s Block 8


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